❸ - breakfast drama

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present day or at least close to that idk

It was morning.

jin, hoseok, namjoon, jimin, taehyung, and jungkook were eating breakfast at the table. of course to no ones surprise yoongi was still alseep.

it was kinda awkward and quiet. the six boys just munching their food not saying a word. jungkook was moving his hand to taehyung's leg when his sunshine hyung spoke out.


he clapped, making everyone jump. jimin sighing, annoyed with his hyung's antics.

"anything happening in your lives?" hoseok asked the table. namjoon ignoring him, jimin sighing louder, and taekook glancing at each other while smirking a little bit.

"we live the the same house, don't you think we'd know if somthing big was happening in each others lives?" jin responded, looking up from his food to hoseok. taehyung and jungkook continued eating their food knowing this was not true.

"well maybe... some of the members are keeping secrets!" he spoke loudly. taekook nearly choking on their food, making eye contact with each other.

"and what makes you think that, stupid."  a tired voice came from the man walking in the room. "well good morning to you too yoongi." hoseok huffed.

"i just try to make a nice family conversation and you guys disrespect me. i honestly feel so attacked right now." he pouted. 

"well let's not spread rumors, hoseok hyung!" taehyung spoke up, not wanting good the members to know there was a secret within the group!

he traced circles on jungkook's hand and breakfast continued peacefully.

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things are getting spicccy.

also how do authors write more than 1000 words i'm-

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