❻ - being revealed

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jin was very confused, and suspicious. why was taehyung acting like a lunatic? pondering on what just happened he came to the conclusion of asking jungkook.

he's been hanging out with taehyung alot, he thought, he must know...

so, still tired, jin made his way to the maknae's room. as he opened the door he saw that jungkook's room was a complete mess. clothes on the floor. bed sheets barely on the mattress. and what was that smell

jin furrowed his brows, looking at jungkook.

since when did he sleep naked? 

luckly the blanket was covering his bits and bobs (a/n refrerence to my fav author on wattpad)

jin, not caring that jungkook was probably in deep sleep, deciding to wake him up. it was almost 12 pm anyway.

"jungkook. jungkook. kookie. jk. " he nudged the younger but he wouldnt budge.

"JEON JUNGKOOK GET UP" he yelled in his ear. "ow! what the- hyung?"

"first of all, you shouldn't be sleeping so late and second of all, i have a question." jin told the younger who was rubbing his eyes. "well, i was tired, and whats your question, hyung?" jungkook asked, annoyed about being woken up. " do you have any idea why taehyung was acting so weird this morning? and why he was in your room?"

the maknae's eyes went wide. "umm...i HAVE NO IDEA!" he spoke loudly. "why is everyone yelling at me this morning?!" jin sighed. "i'll be making breakfast. you and tae better fix your attitude when you get to the kitchen" he snapped, walkimg out of jungkook's room and closing the door. jungkook sighed. "this is not good," he whispered to himself. "i should go talk to tae."

the boy got out of his bed, stretched, yawned, and made his way to his boyfriends room. when jungkook walk in he saw taehyung laying on his back on his bed, arms and legs out like a starfish. the younger knocked on the door frame. "babe? you okay?" taehyung released a long dramatic sigh. "no." then jungkook pounced onto taehyung's bed, imediately snuggling the older.

"don't be sad taetae," jungkook cooed, cupping taehyung's face, "i'll always be there for you." taehyung smiled softly, and left a soft kiss on jungkook's nose. then jungkook kissed him on taehyung's nose. the boys giggled, feeling happy with each other and forgetting their worries.

so they layed there, holding each other and peppering each other's faces with soft kisses.

 - - -

yoongi was walking to the kitchen, actually eating breakfast with the other members this morning, we he heard laughter. no. not laughter


who's giggling? he thought to himself. he found the source of the sound was taehyung's room. wondering why he wasn't at breakfast, he walked towards his bedroom door, which was left ajar.

peeking through he saw taehyung and jungkook on his bed. but they were holding each other very close. yoongi didn't think much of it and was about to turn around when he saw taehyung leave a kiss on jungkook's nose. jungkook kissed back. they just went back and forth. yoongi was very suprised. are they... together? he thought.

then, yoongi smiled. "that's sweet." he whispered, taekook not being able to hear him. yoongi then turned around and walked to the kitchen.

- - -

at bangtan's breakfast table this morning, jin was criticizing namjoon for never learning how to properly cut an onion, hoseok was telling  jimin about his puppy, mickey, and yoongi tried to tell hoseok that holly was way better than mickey. while taehyung and jungkook were still giving sweet kisses.

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