Chapter 5

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Rei's POV

I pulled out an extra communication device that only Harumi, Luke and I had. Not even Killow, Ultra Violet or Mr. E knew about this. I was kind of surprised that (no offense Luke) they let Luke know and not those three. I mean, Luke and I were pretty close so I guess plus points to that. The things is this mission was top secret and I wasn't planning on letting other thugs know or anyone. My life depended on it. Literally.

"What do you see?" Luke asked over the comm.

"Well greenie's there getting all patched up by his mom, water ninja's present, noodle house girl, some guy in a red scarf, Samurai X and the Masters of shadow, speed and—" I cursed under my breath when I saw the third elemental master.

Okay hang on, rewind. You're probably thinking how I knew these guys right? Okay so don't be surprised but the elemental masters are in history books and I know how they look like. They have pictures in those books and I don't necessarily have call them by their first names do I?

"They have the elemental master of mind there." I said (unfortunately) confirming my suspicions when I had gone patrolling over the week Lloyd was our prisoner. I wasn't sure at first but now I was. Lloyd may have not noticed but I was there when they talked about getting me.

There was a tiny section between the wooden planks that had been used to block the windows from any suspecting peepers. Apparently, they didn't do so well when they'd blocked it. I saw them, and I heard their muffled voices but I got the gist of what they were saying. They wanted to get me. And if I heard correctly, they wanted to interrogate me via Neuro. Rescuing an enemy from an ally was different from steeling my mind from an elemental master.

"Think of something Rei. Literally. Neuro can only do so much with his powers."

"You sure?" I asked because he probably didn't know much about who we were dealing with.

"Yeah...I hope. Maybe, not sure. Anyways, go try that out."

"Okay sure, over and out." I sighed then I closed my communication device. I left the window and jumped up to another building. Over my days of patrolling in this section, they apparently had managed to secure a building not too far from this one. I was scouting this entire area myself. We let the other SOG know about this but we didn't let them patrol the area. Sometimes Luke would come around here but not too often.

This mission was nothing like I ever had done. This was definitely something else...

I had to seem convincing and Lloyd seemed to have bought it enough but I couldn't help but think how much I've lied and actually believed it myself. That was probably why they sent me to chat with the famous green ninja.

I traced my finger across the scar on my cheek. I remembered how I wasn't able to come back from a mission successful and well there were complications.

I shook the thought from my head not wanting to relive that memory. Most of you would be thinking: bro, you just failed your own very important mission in five minutes.

Not necessarily, it's just a simple plan. If I know Lloyd (which I don't but my sources are from Harumi who does), he'd do anything to have me back because, 1.) I have information to the SOG and that was kinda it.

I walked through the empty streets of Ninjago for once not knowing what would happen next. Specifically, how Lloyd was going to find me. What the hell did I do to get into this mess? One of those things I did was join the SOG. Another was being a top spy. The last one would be finding the ninja's base. So, welcome to the eternal fields of damnation.

I sighed and continued walking around aimlessly along with keeping my act up as a runaway. I couldn't just go around pretending nothing was happening. Besides, Harumi would be also working back in the HQ convincing everyone that I had gone rogue, blah blah blah. That kind of crap. I was probably number three on their "to kill" list. One being Lloyd and two being the water ninja, whatever her secret identity was. I vaguely remember her name being Anya or something.

Lovers and Traitors (Lloyd Garmadon x OC/Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang