Chapter 2

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Rei's POV

"What?! You can't just drop a bomb like that!"

"I'm going to investigate. You can relax back at the hideout." I said ignoring him, then hung up before he could say anything.

I dropped down from my post, quieter than a mouse and quickly hid behind the deactivated robot of Chen on the roof of the noodle house.

I put my walkie talkie on mute so no one down there could hear me. I noted that the windows were barricaded as well as the doors. It looked like some low-budget-post-apocalyptic base. The ninja and maybe a bunch of other people are in there. Refugees, made sense considering this area here was one of the less damaged areas.

"Rei, do you copy? Rei." I realized I still had my earpiece on.

"I'm here. The green ninja is inside." I whispered. I knew that wherever the green one was, the grey one was there.

"Return to headquarters." Luke said, and believe me when I say this, he didn't sound too happy. It was either because he was sleepy and didn't drink his black coffee and did not want to do his shift, or because I hung up on him. I was very fond of the first option actually.

"Copy, over and out." I said then with another glance at the noodle house, I left.


"You've found the Rebel Base?" Harumi asked as we communicated to her through a holographic projection.

"Just a refugee area." Luke said.

She disagreed, "With the ninja there, it could quickly become one."

"You heard that they were sending out patrols?" She asked looking at me.

I nodded my head then showed her the pictures I had taken whilie I patrolling. It showed the unmistakable figure green, another one who was not too recognizable and one in orange, probably Skylor.

"Who's the one with the green scarf?" Luke asked zooming in to the one with the scarf and seemed to be around fifty or sixty years old.

"That's his mother." Harumi noted. I remember her when we had taken her hostage a couple of weeks back as Harumi's...what did she call that? An insurance something.

"Well whoever it is, it's him alright, should we call for an attack?" I asked.

"And wherever the green one is, the girl is probably there." Luke noted, I nodded in agreement.

"No, we can have you go undercover. Send us information, they're probably going to pull off something like they did when Chen's Anacondrai army attacked." Harumi said recalling the event that happened a couple of years ago.

Luke and I exchanged wary glances. "Me or him?" I asked.

"You," She said looking at me.

"The ninja are well aware of who Luke is thanks to him being caught." Harumi added glaring at Luke with her dark blue eyes.

"How? They'd probably are going to have their walls up. They aren't going to trust easily." I said.

"You're going there as a Son of Garmadon." She paused for a moment looking at me. "Or daughter for your matter." Harumi smirked.

The woman was clearly out of her mind, all the more reason for them not to tell me anything important. "I'm sorry but, doesn't that give them a bigger reason for them not to trust me?" Luke couldn't help but nod in agreement to that statement.

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