Chapter 1

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Rei's POV

"You don't want to do that." I said downing my shot. I didn't bother to give the guy who attempted to grope me by the ass a single look.

"Why not pet?" He smirked putting his hands on the stool next to mine.

I knocked back the empty shot glass and have the man an icy glare."I'm no one's pet."

The bartender seemed like he didn't want anything to do with this so he just excused himself to the restroom. I pulled out a couple of coins from my pocket and left them on the counter.

"I can make you one." He chuckled. There was no point in arguing with an drunk pervert but I took the pleasure of beating him up anyways.

I beat him up with barely a single drop of sweat. I chuckled to myself when I heard the satisfying sound of a body thumping on the floor.

"Matching jackets huh? Cute." I smiled noticing that all the other guys who noticed the commotion, all wore the same leather clothing with the same print on the back that looked kind of like Garmadon. Was this some Garmadon cult or something? 

I got into a fighting stance as I watched more guys approach me. I think I just messed with one of their friends.

One of them tried sweeping me from underneath but I dodged and got an advantage by jumping onto the bar counter. "You wouldn't want to mess with me." I glared at each of them.

I kicked a bottle of vodka and tossed it up to my hand, I bit off the cap and took a nice refresher. I smiled when I felt the burning liquid run down my throat.

"Would be a shame if I wasted it." I smirked jumping over someone and smashing a bottle to his head knocking him out cold.

I saw one of the drunk men unsheathe a knife and due to his drunk-being he was planning at aiming it at me but ended up throwing it at someone else. My instincts popped in and I grabbed the knife out of mid air just in time stop it from hitting the guy in the motorcycle helmet who sat in the corner doing nothing.

"You'll thank me later." I said then returning my gaze to the guys, I threw he knife at their feet barely missing their toes.

With a smile, I cracked my knuckles and got in a fighting stance.

"Who's next?"


"Don't mess with me. Tell your momma that." I said to the groaning bunch of drunk and already passed out bastards. I wiped away the blood that dripped from my nose and stained my cheap jacket sleeve. I could always steal another one anyways.

The man in a motorcycle helmet caught my eye as he exited the place, if he was with them then he'd know not to mess with me. I heard him talk with one of them and I noticed he had he same design on his leather jacket so that confirmed my suspicions of him being with them. Why the hell did he not bother in joining in the fight? I shook the thought out of my mind and left the bar as well. I wrapped my thin jacket around me as I walked around the dark streets of Ninjago.

"There he is! Get him!"

I was alarmed by shouts from four figures and I watched a fifth run past me. It was the same guy in the helmet and a couple of police officers. What did they want with him? He was just part of a thug—that was probably why.

I decided to ignore him until I realized he could use a little help, after all, I didn't like seeing people get beat up. Especially if I just saved them, I wasn't going to let the person who I risked my own safety for die.

Lovers and Traitors (Lloyd Garmadon x OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now