Chapter 4

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Lloyd's POV 

I had no idea how long I've been in this cell. Time flew by when all the lights were always on and the windows were blocked. My body felt numb from staying in the same place for so long and from being shocked to death then back to life.

It was like seconds turned to hours, hours to days, days to weeks and so on. For me, it felt like a few days but in reality it could've been a month or longer.

What worried me more was Nya, they'd come looking for me. Neuro could send a message to me but I don't think it would work. I was here, alone and in pain. It was annoying, and it sucked and that was practically my entire experience here summed up.

I haven't slept a wink—except for those times I pass out from the pain, I haven't eaten a crumb and I haven't moved a single inch. The damn restraints forced me to stay still.

Harumi would come here to gloat every now and then and she'd ask me the same question over and over again and she seemed to never get tired because she thought I'd say something but rotten luck to her.

Then as usual, I heard the same hiss when the door opened the same set of footsteps echoed my ears for the probably hundredth time.

"Such a shame you're stuck here and not out there." Harumi chuckled, I didn't bother avoiding her eyes because my nindroid "friend" would lift my head up. I felt insanely light headed and woozy after so many hours of torture. I didn't bother talking back because she wasn't worth talking to at this point.

"Now Lloyd, I'm going to ask you again. Where are your friends?" She smirked leaning nearer to me, her face uncomfortably closer to mine. I stared back into those same dark red eyes I hated so much with a burning passion. I began to even question myself even more why I had liked her in the first place. I'm going to quote Kai on this: "Only a face a mother could ever love."

"Like I said, a million times before, I'm not saying anything." I winced at the sound of my own voice, raw from screaming constantly. I tried not to show that every word I said was pain for my throat but she noticed it anyways. I readied myself for the painful shock I would receive but it never came.

She stood up and she did something I'd never thought she'd do. She motioned the nindroid to leave. My ears were filled with probably the best sound I've heard in forever. The sound of metal feet walking the room.

"Enjoy your time. But I suggest to keep your mouth closed." She laughed then left the room.

"Well that was new." I thought to myself then I told myself to not enjoy the moment of being alone too much because this could all be a trick.

Then I heard the same sound of the door opening. The funny thing was that it I knew it would either be:

a.) The nindroid, or
b.) Harumi

But as it turned out, it was neither of those. My eyes followed a girl who looked kinda older than Harumi. I'd say around nineteen, eighteen or so. Her hair was jet black and cut just a bit below her shoulders but the cuts were uneven and choppy, like as if she didn't care how she looked like.  She wore the black clothing of the SOG and said nothing as she sat in front of me and I actually got a good look on her face.

For some reason I felt like I've seen her once or twice. Small face, with a scar just somewhere on her cheek and fierce dark blue-green eyes. I had a feeling this would be a trick, but it was refreshing to see a new face other than Harumi's. So I said something real smart—it wasn't like I cared at this point, what I said went something like: "Hi."

She acknowledged me with a nod not even bothered by the raspiness of my voice and continued to look at me but seemed to space out. I'd hate to admit it but this was freaky.

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