Chapter 7

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Lloyd's POV

I stayed there, frozen for a while processing what she had just said. I heard her footsteps fade away signaling me that she was walking away.


What was I doing? I can't believe I was going to talk to her after what just happened with Nya. She was the entire reason why this was happening.

There was this weird feeling inside of me, it felt like destiny wanted me to give her a second chance at life. From what though? From being a street kid, or from being an SOG member?

Yeah sure, keep your hopes up Lloyd. She is waiting for you to talk.

"Yes?" She asked. I almost felt lost for a while. She was like a wild card in a game of poker...and I've never played poker.

"I-I-I—oh FSM." I cursed under my breath and turned around to face her. I knew what I wanted to say, that was until I turned around and faced her. It was like all the words in my head vanished.

"I d-don't know what to say. It's just that—agh never mind." I said giving up looking down.

"Um yeah sure." She said nodding then she held her arm.

I sighed, I let my heart speak for me instead of thinking of what I was going to say.

"Rei, Nya is like a sister to me." I scolded myself for telling this person these things. I couldn't stop now. For some reason, I felt like I could trust her. She was a good fighter and hopefully a good person.

I sighed looking back at her blue-green eyes.

"Now, I'm just scared."

She looked at me probably also not knowing what to say.

Rei's POV

"Is it true? What you say?"

"Yes Harumi. They are planning to make the people fight for Ninjago once again."

"Did you try to stop it?"

I decided to shut up about the part where I suggested the name.

"I did, they would not listen."

"I knew we could count on you for information."

"Yes Harumi."

"Is there something else?"

I felt my body tense. My conscience seemed to be fighting against what I was about to tell Harumi. I pushed the feeling back down and continued talking.

"The water ninja and the green ninja seem to be at a disagreement."


"Yes Harumi. Their team is falling apart making them more vulnerable by the minute."

"How broken do they seem?"

"Their leader and his supposedly right hand woman are arguing. This would not seem encouraging for them."

"I figured killing the four and their master would break them."

"Yes it has Harumi. Just a bit more and maybe we can attack them."

"Not yet, they aren't broken enough."

Harumi paused for a moment before continuing.

"You are doing well Onaka. Don't fail the SOG."

"Yes Harumi."

My hand unintentionally went to the scar on my right cheek. A symbol of my failure to the SOG. I wasn't going to get another one.

Lovers and Traitors (Lloyd Garmadon x OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now