(End of Third person POV)

A week after the fight,  Tony has been looking everywhere for you. Bucky heeling up nicely from his lost arm, along with the help of Steve.

Tony found where you were. You were in an abandoned HYDRA base somewhere in Iceland. "Let's go. (Y/N) is there." Tony ran to a ready quinjet.

Hours later the trio arrived. They all exited the jet. Rubble littered the ground and the door had a lock on it.

"They locked her in there somewhere. Let me go in. She'll remember me. She worked on my arm and the machines. And I'm not sure if she'll remember you, Tony." Bucky said as he tried to rip the lock off the door.

"She's my sister, of course I'm going in." Tony argued.

"I'm also going in cause I need to protect you, Buck." Steve chimed.

Steve moved Bucky out of the way as he slammed his shield onto the lock and it didn't break.

He looked at them and whined. He tried again and he got it and cheered for himself.

They walked the cold halls. Papers scattered the floors and counters. Parts of the roofs missing. It looked like someone bombed the place.

"Ah, this is the base one of the soldiers where talking about." Bucky chimed.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked warily.

"They bombed it."

Tony stopped. He looked at Bucky in disbelief. Tony started running around the halls. "(Y/N)! Please! (Y/N) are you here?!"

Bucky and Steve joined in on trying to find you.

Bucky yelled your name, "Machine."

"I-I'm here..." Your faint voice came from one of the cells.

"(Y/N)..." Tony said.

"Call her machine for now. It's the name they gave her after they brain washed her." Bucky said.

"Who is with you Winter?" You asked and you craned your neck up from your laying position on the table to see.

"Machine!" Bucky yelled as he reached your cell. Before they bombed the base they had you strapped to a table, they had just brainwashed you from a mission to hack into SHIELD's gun rooms. And never unrestrained you.

"Winter... You came back for me?" You were confused. A man you turned into a weapon came back for you.

"I'm not alone." Winter said. And I blonde muscular man stepped out. Along with a short man with a beard.

"W-Who is this Winter. Don't punish me again please. I promise I won't mess up again. Please don't hurt me." You begged, tears pooling in your eyes.

"Get her out." Steve commented.

"We won't, I promise. I'm clean." Bucky tried making light talk.

"You sound like a man who just came off of drugs and alcohol or something." You snorted.

The bearded man laser beamed a rectangle into the bars and stepped in.

"Winter. How is Howard Stark alive? I thought you said you killed him for good?" You asked.

Tony paused. He gulped and untied your restraints. "H-Hi....uh...Machine. I'm Tony Stark. Howard and Maria Starks oldest child."

"I'm Steve." The red, white, and blue man said.

"I'm Machine. I can repair anything before you can finish saying your command." You happily said. Even after everything, you kept a happy facade, but these people could actually be your friends this time!

The bearded man started to speak again. Oh yeah Tony. "I am Tony Stark, the eldest child of the Stark family. And you my dear Machine, are (Y/N) Stark, the youngest child of the Stark family."

You stand up. Your skinny frail body crumples to the floor. "H-How?"

You start to shake as memories flash through your head. "Tony..." You mumble.

"We need to get her out of here. She needs fluids and foods. She looks like she can blow sway with the wind." Steve said as he went to pick you up.

You let out a scream as he picked you up. Your bones are so weak from being left there for months.

"Be careful Spangles. That's my sister you're carrying." Tony warned as he jogged to the jet.

The American mans face turned as red as his shield. Did he just eat a chili pepper or something?

"I am bringing my sister home Avengers. Make the tower look nice!" Tony whispered into a mic.

You look over to Winter and Steve. "Do you have a new name too Winter?"

He clears his throat nodding. "Names Bucky."

You smile. "Not so scary."

He frowns. He looks at you sorrowfully. "I'm sorry (Y/N)..."

"Wait I'm (Y/N) right? Oh ok. It's okay." You laughed. It ended short due to broken ribs.

Tony kneels down next to you. "I'm so glad I found you (Y/N) Stark." He held your hand so lightly because he thought you were a piece of glass.

"Me too Laser boy." You smile at the new nickname you gave to your brother.

Steve is still red. "What are you flustered over Star Spangled Banner?"

Steve looks at Tony in disbelief. And Bucky holds in a laugh.

"It runs in the family I suppose?" Tony chuckles.

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