Chapter 26

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After announcing the upcoming events and all the details necessary, Noah immediately mind-linked all the warriors to meet up on the training grounds.
My father and Zander had gone back to his territory to inform his people of the upcoming attack and anyone who agrees to fight along side us will come to our territory to train with us.

The girls had also gone to the training grounds but I decided to go to the clearing to practice my powers again.

Once I arrived at the clearing I saw a doe and a young fawn resting under the shade of the tall tree. A smile slipped onto my lips as I watched the young deer snuggle into its mother's frame.

I slowly made my way towards them and hoped I wouldn't scare them off. I froze when the mother snapped her head up in my direction. She didn't show any signs of running so I continued my way towards them.

Her eyes followed my every move as I sat down a foot away from her and, what I presumed was, her child.
I sniffed and suddenly became aware of a familiar metallic smell.

I was so caught up on approaching the two deer that I hadn't realised one of them was bleeding.

I searched the young fawn's body first and saw no injuries but immediately spotted an injury on the mother. There was a deep gash on her hind leg that was still bleeding.

'Heal her' Tala instructed me.
'How?' I asked.

'Place your hands over the wound and think of it closing up and healed' she explained and I quickly complied with her orders.
The deer watched me as I hovered my hands over her wound and did what Tala said.

I closed my eyes and focused on the wound healing. I felt a wave of tingles begin in my chest and make their way down my arms and stop in my hands. The tingles grew stronger and my hands became hot.

After a few seconds, my hands began to cool and the tingles disappeared. I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw the wound had healed.
I felt slightly drained afterwards but slowly felt my energy returning fully.

I looked at the mother, who's gaze was still on me. I moved slightly to the left so I was now sitting in front of her.

I carefully reached my hand out towards her and smiled when she allowed me to stroke her head. I ran my hands down her head and began softly rubbing her neck. The young deer looked at me curiously with its wide, innocent eyes and titled its head to the side.
I smiled when it placed their head on my lap and I began gently stroking its head.

The fawn's breathing evened and the mother looked down at her young. I gently placed the young deers head on the ground and slid back a bit away from them. The mother leaned down and rested her head above her child's.

I stayed in the clearing for a few hours, practicing my powers with only the two deer as company.
I wanted to practice my healing powers but in order to do that, I needed something or someone who was wounded.

I didn't want to hurt someone just so I can practice my powers. An idea popped into my head and I smiled.

I could go to the pack infirmary and practice my powers. That way I won't have to hurt anyone, instead I'll help them.
I gently stroked the two deer which caused the mother to wake. I smiled at her and stood up. With one final pat on their heads, I made my way towards the pack infirmary.

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