In your Eyes

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The sweet smell of sea salt filled your nose as you breathed in the fresh air. Fury had been increasingly letting you out in the "world." He let you assimilate into the world of SHEILD, which was better than nothing. You felt as though Fury was trusting you more. You had gone through arduous training and worked to control your powers. The heavy lifting and endurance training was surprisingly easy for you; it was almost as if you were used to it and completed this task on a regular basis. They gave you numerous books to train your mind on foreign language, philosophy, higher level sciences, and all the history that you were missing from your memories. Aside from the history, you pretty much knew the rest of the stuff. You had never learned to speak Romanian, but somehow you were fluent in it, along with many other languages. You already understood everything about astronomical physics and grew bored of all the studying they put you through. The most important of all of this was learning to control your special abilities, which meant learning to control your emotions. Your powers tended to feed off of your mood and went out of control when your mind was out of control.

Because you have gotten better at being controllable, they let you train with other SHEILD operatives. At the current moment they had you located on a giant Air Force Carrier. You were jogging with eleven men, getting your morning cardio in for the day. Even though you were faster than all the men combined, you always were placed in the middle of the group. Fury wanted to conceal you as much as possible and that meant making you blend. There was only a handful of people who knew who you actually were; Captain America's sister from the 1940's, founder of SHEILD, and first class freak.

Some "special" visitors were to report on board today, and you were instructed not to go out. You knew they just wanted to keep you safe from exploitation, but you could take care of yourself. Your platoon was going for a run that morning and just like every morning, you were going to join them. The boys didn't question you when you asserted yourself in the group. They didn't know about your arrangement with Fury, so therefore never assumed that you would be missing.

You enjoyed running; it made you feel free. Being out in the open was enlightening to you and made you deny encasement more each time. Your good mood was ruined however, when you saw Agent Hill stalking in your platoon's direction. She was Fury's right hand woman and one of the few who knew of your existence.

"Halt." She spoke directly and each man followed her order, as did you. "You all are dismissed," Hill voices in a commanding way and everyone started to disperse. "All, except (y/n)." You stopped abruptly and scolded yourself for getting caught. "What are you doing above deck?" She questioned in her authoritative voice.

"Just going through my daily routine, getting some fresh air."

"You have directly gone against Directer Fury's orders."

"I don't remember him telling me that I couldn't breathe fresh air," you spoke with feigned innocence.

"He told you not to leave your quarters."

"So? I don't remember him being the boss of me!" You shouted, your anger getting the better of you. Your face started to turn tomato red and the atmosphere could be felt increasing in heat.

"(Y/n)," Hill spoke cautiously, seeing as where her last approach was getting her. "Why don't you calm down, and we will go inside."

"I don't want to go inside. I want to do what I want!" Your eyes matched your skin in a flash of anger.

At an attempt to nullify you, Hill whipped out a small black device and shot out electric waves in your direction. You only caught the electricity in your hands and smirked as she watched it absorb into your skin.

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