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My Darling (y/n),

I think about you everyday. I showed the rest of the guys your photo and they are all very jealous. It's weird here, without you or Steve. I miss you, a lot. Sometimes I think about what life would be like without the war; where we would be. It's different here. Many of the boys still have the illusion of war. Think it'll be like in the movies, I guess. They don't know the horrors that await them. I do (y/n), I do, and it frightens me that they will not be prepared. You don't want to hear about this, I'm sure. How are things with you at home? The pageant? What about Steve, have you heard from him? I felt awful shutting him down, but he keeps getting rejected by the army. The army would be lucky to have a guy like Steve. Will you tell him I said that? I don't think I left him well and for that I feel torment. I can't wait to be home to you. To see your magnificent smile, your beautiful (e/c), you glorious hair. To feel your soft skin and your plump lips. You keep me going (y/n). Good luck my angel and be safe.

I love you more than to the Heavens and back,

Soldat (Bucky Barnes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now