Toy Soldiers

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You woke up instantly, sleeping little in the time that they allowed you. You had dreams and they were pleasant ones, but for a reason unbeknownst to you, they caused your head great pain. Stumbling out of bed, your hand clinging to your head, you try to stop the rapidly spinning room. Your whole body was fatigued from the training and you used all your energy just to stand.

With shaky legs you wobbled to your breakfast. It was a bowl of oatmeal. A cold bowl of oatmeal. You didn't appreciate the fact that the food these horrid people gave you wasn't even warm. As you ate bitterly you thought about the food and came to the conclusion that the food was warm at some point. Which meant that you were supposed to have eaten already. When realization hit you, you tossed your bowl to the side, spilling the liquid meal all over the concrete coated floor. Flinging the door open, you sprinted down the hall. You were not going to be late again; you were too afraid to be.

You continued to run the length of the hallway, into the light ridden room, and ran smack into the metal table. You let out a groan before slamming yourself into your chair. You were sitting only a moment before the blaring lights caused you to go temporarily blind. There was no way you'd get used to this every morning. When your eyes were adjusted you were met with perhaps an even more startling sight; the cold stare of the Winter Soldier. You didn't like that you weren't able to read his thoughts, but you did enjoy trying.

Your breathing was still uneasy due to your sprint into the room, which made the soldier hate you even more. You tried being quiet, because that was what the activity was, but you just couldn't control your breathing. It could be in part, because the man in front of you was quite the specimen. That was the one part of this lifestyle that you enjoyed, having a fine looking instructor.

You stared into icy eyes as you tried to think about your memories. Underneath the table you twisted the gold band on your finger. You knew that it meant something and you just wanted answers. You wondered if your mentor had the answers, or if he was like you; a stranger to your own mind.

The four hours of staring seemed to pass much more quickly than it did the previous day. "At some point we are going to need to work on your ability to stand. You seem to struggle." He spoke plainly as he stood up.

"Are you saying that I'm clumsy?" You asked with false offense.

He replied curtly, "Very." You had to stifle a laugh from leaving your mouth. Sometimes when he let his guard slightly down, he could potentially be fun. You figured you would crack him one day, but until then you followed him to your least favorite room.

The work seemed so much harder than it did the day before. Of course he gave you different exercises, so you could give your muscles time to repair themselves, but all it did was exhaust you.

The soldier eyes you carefully as you trained. He did not want a repeat of the incident the day before. If he was honest with himself, it scared him to see you like you were yesterday. He is followed by so much death that he couldn't bare to see another innocent person dying on account of him. Every time he took a life, the Winter Soldier hated himself even more, but he could not control himself; could not go against even the simplest of orders.

Whenever he thought you were working too hard he allowed you to take a break. He never let any of his other trainees have that luxury, and maybe that is why most of them had failed. That and because they didn't have the enhancing serum. You were just different to him. You were his first girl trainee and he just didn't want anything to go wrong. He wanted you to make it through the training alive. He wanted you to escape though, not go through the horrific missions Hydra had already sent him on.

After the long hours of strength building, you returned to the library. This was probably your favorite part of the day. You got to hear the voice of your instructor more. It made you feel a little less lonely, even if he was just conjugated verbs and giving lectures.

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