Before I Go to Sleep

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"Steve!" You woke up with a start, your head pounding in splintering pain. You searched around frantically, but only found that you were engulfed in darkness.

Where am I? Did the control panel loose power? Did we loose the war? Am I captured by Hydra? Your head was swimming with questions that would be left unanswered, as you were alone. You knew that fact all too well however. Your fiancé was dead. Your brother was dead. He had just sacrificed himself to save the home you had grown up in; he sacrificed himself to save America. "Oh Stevie!" You wailed as you buried your face in your knees. You were so angry at him before, and now you couldn't forgive yourself for the way you had treated him. You put so much pressure and pain, pushing the blame for Bucky's death in him. Steve did not deserve that. He was too good for this world, and certainly too good to be related to you.

You fell into the concrete slab of a floor and cradled yourself in a child's pose. As you sobbed yourself to sleep, you felt the temperature increasingly drop. The cold didn't bother you so much, but made you question your location even more. Steve had just crashed in the icy waters, but you should be safe in the control area with Peggy and the Colonel. This had to be a POW situation, and your captives had separated you all. You wanted to cry even more than you were, but the frosty atmosphere had dried your eyes and did not allow anymore liquid to sneak down your face. It was better this way; Steve would have wanted you to be strong. No matter where you were, or what had happened, you would be strong for your big brother; that is what he had told you before he had disconnected anyways.

You laid your weary head to rest and didn't cry anymore. If you had been captured, then you would get through it. You would be brave; the way Steve had always taught you. You closed your eyes and welcomed a slumber from which you had just awoken. A wan smile covered your face at the memory of your beloved brother. You let out a final sniffle, before being overcome by sleep.


A loud bang woke you up. It was the sound of a heavy metal door hitting the wall, soon followed by rapidly approaching footsteps. Your eyes that had previously shot wide open in awareness, were soon blinded by the massive overhead lights that had been switched on.

Stalking in your direction, was an angry looking, dark skinned man. His head was shaven bald and he covered his left eye with a black patch. His drapes were long and he wore thick combat boots.

A thin layer of ice had spread beneath you. You would have been more concerned with this mysterious substance, if a menacing man wasn't charging right for you. "Who are you?" Your voice wavered when you talked and your bottom lip quivered slightly. I have to be strong for Steve.

"I am Nick Fury-"

"Are you a pirate?" You bursted out before he could finish his statement.

He looked irritated at your remark, "no I am not a pirate." The tone of his voice made it quite evident of his annoyance with you. "I am part of SHEILD," he began again.

"You're part of a shield? Are you some weird cyborg thing like from the movies?" You interrupted him once again.

"No," he almost shouted. He definitely thought you were strange. More calmly he spoke again, "no. SHEILD; Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. You should know what this is already Miss Rogers."

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