Love Actually

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The warm blue sky shown above you. The color, brightening everybody's mood, giving them hope that this drawn out war was almost over.

Stepping out of the stuffy medical tent, you soaked in the sunshine, allowing its glow to caress your skin. With your eyes closed, you tilted your head up to the source of light, feeling refreshed.

"Hey beautiful." In your current state you didn't see Bucky approach you. You opened up one eye to peer at your boyfriend. He was casually leaning against the structural integrity of the tent with a sly smile resting on his face.

"Don't you have something better to do than stare at me all day?" You sassed your man, even though you secretly enjoyed being the focal of his eyes.

With your eyes hidden behind their long lashes, you didn't realize how close Bucky had become until you felt his hot breath on your neck. "Actually I do. How's about you and me get out of here for a while?" He said while flashing up his eyebrows.

"Bucky?" You started sincerely and he nodded for you to continue. "I think you mean to say 'you and I,' not 'me.'" You smiled at him innocently.

"Well aren't you smart." Bucky laughed while grabbing your arm and dragging you away.

"No Bucky." You laughed at the same time you rescued your arm. Bucky gave you a confused look so you clarified for him, "I'm working."

"Please?" He begged, "for me?" His earnestly speaking puppy dog eyes worked on you every time.

"Let me just go tell the others that I'm leaving, then I'll go with you." You turned around and saw your boyfriend silently congratulating himself out of the corner of your eye. He was so adorable and the sight before you made a smile hit your lips.


You let Bucky blindly waltz you down the dirt covered path. The entire way down, the two of you were laughing and talking about anything that came into your head. It felt right to be with Bucky, as if the universe was put on hold when you were with him and you were the only two people left. You had never met any one who could escalate your feelings the way that Bucky did and you couldn't imagine life without him.

As you neared your destination, Bucky told you to cover your eyes. He rested his hands on your hips to help guide you down the rocky road. Bucky kept you close to him, which brought you comfort. You trusted him completely and would do anything he asked of you.

Bucky told you to turn and you complied, feeling yourself draw closer to a ledge. You could smell the sweet aroma of something in this area, but couldn't make it out. The scent calmed your nerves and made you feel warm inside.

Bucky leaned closer to you and whispered, "open."

No sooner that you did, you were met with a sight that took your breath away. There were beautiful little suns that spread across a green scenery. As far as the eye could see there were hills covered in more flowers than you could count. "It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" You exclaimed, not knowing any other words to describe the scene in front of you.

"Yeah, it is." Bucky agreed, but you could see that his eyes were not in the same place yours were and felt a heavy blush form in your cheeks. Even though you were dating, the things that he said to you still made your face turn pink.

Your turned around so you could see the handsome features of his face. "Thank you Buc-" you words were cut short by the means of your feet slipping off the tip of the hilltop. Bucky tried to stop you from falling, but ended up rolling down the lush terra along with you.

Both of you rolled your way down the small slope, giggling the entire way. At the bottom of the terrain, you found yourself landing on top of Bucky, almost too perfectly, with a wide grin plastered to both of your faces. Your work clothes were now covered in grass stains, but you didn't mind, you just enjoyed spending time with Bucky.

"Now, is that any way to thank me?"

You giggled out a response, "that's not what I had in mind, but this might make up for it." Your head slowly descended until your lips captured his soft, pink ones. Bucky pressed his hands to the small of your back, keeping you secured against him.

When you needed to come up for a breath, you saw something that caught your eye. Wiggling from his embrace you jumped up excitingly, "let's go!"

Bucky chased after you, intertwining his hand with yours when he finally caught up. "Bucky its a little gazebo!" You exclaimed. You'd only ever seen pictures of them before, never actually being inside of one. You dragged him inside the pretty little area, before you gasped. You looked back at Bucky, who had a shy smile on his face, "did you do this?" He nodded, but seemed a little unsure. "It's incredible!" You breathed out. The white frames of the gazebo beheld a dozen lit candles and a little spread on its floors. A case of wine was present along with two glasses. In the middle was a small box. You already knew what it contained and your heart jumped with excitement. "I can't believe you did all of this for me."

"I would do anything for you." Bucky spoke a little nervously, his blue eyes meeting your (e/c) ones.

You quickly had a seat, feeling welcomed among the candled haven. Your hands reached for the box and you opened it. A wide smile spread on your face, "I love you!"

"You had better, because it was very difficult to find these over here." Bucky said while he laughed at your reaction and watched you nibble at one of the chocolate covered strawberries.

He poured you both a glass of wine, but he seemed uninterested in his. He was acting out of sorts and you didn't know why. "I think that this is the most romantic place on earth." You said quietly.

Bucky looked at you as if he was in a trance. You were confused if you had done something wrong, to have made him go so quiet so quick.

"Bucky I-" but the action of him grabbing your hand made you stop.

Bucky lifted you so that the two of you were standing. Bucky looked into your eyes with desire and love, making you never wanting to look away. "(Y/n), These past months have been a torment." You looked at him with a confused expression, so he continued on. "I wanted to wait. Wait until this war was over and we were safe at home, but I can bear it no longer. I want to tell you how much I admire and love you." At this moment he got down on one knee, taking a small ring out of his coat. You gasped as realization dawned on you. "When I first laid my eyes on you, you had bewitched me, body and soul, and I love you. And wish from this day forth never to be parted from you. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand."

He looked at you with anticipation, awaiting your answer. You cupped his face before gently pressing your lips to his. It was a long slow kiss, as if you were afraid that what had just occurred wasn't real. That if you opened your eyes it all would've been a dream.

When you both pulled away Bucky slid the small diamond ring onto your finger while you admired its beauty. "So was that a yes?" Bucky asked you a little playfully.

You were still being pressed tightly to him. Looking intently into his memorizing eyes, you answered, "My heart is and will always be yours."

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