Revolutionary Road

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When Bucky left you alone, your eyes couldn't contain themselves anymore; they erupted into a fit of tears. You never fought with Bucky. You have had a few spats here and there, but they were always resolved quickly and sweetly. This time it was different; he had never talked to you like that before. You knew he was only upset because of the way Bing was holding you, but he could've calmly talked to you, not thrown a tantrum and released more heat than a volcano.

He had calmed down and tried to apologize, but you just needed time to think. Why did he have to go and ruin everything? It was all so perfect, but he just has to have a little jealous bug floating around his head.

It had been a couple days since the incident and you and Bucky still hadn't talked. Steve had noticed the tension between the two of you and tried to talk to you, to fix it. But you didn't want to hear what he had to say. You had to work this out for yourselves. Bucky had already done his part. He apologized to you severely. At one point, he fell to his knees in front of you, begging you to forgive him. All you needed to do to end his suffering was give him a small sign that you were fine, but you just looked down at him before walking away.

You hated yourself for doing this to him. You wanted nothing more than to jump into his outspread arms, but he hurt you. And it was only fair that he was hurt just as much.

You were walking into the mess hall for lunch. You normally ate with your brother, Peggy and Bucky, but recently it has just been Peggy. The two of you sat at an area clean across the room. You knew it was unfair to her, for she so desperately wanted to talk with Steve, but she was too good of a friend to voice this to you.

You had walked up to the buffet style counter, selecting the food from your seldom options. The main meal: pulled pork; the same as most other days. You didn't complain though, you always enjoyed the food. You then chose (f/f) from the fruit stand. You didn't tend to eat much for lunch. You figured that the soldiers needed food more than you did and you didn't want to eat it all up.

After grabbing your food, you hastily turned around, slamming your tray into the solid chest of Bucky Barnes. Your eyes grew wide at your mistake, "I-I...sorry." You stuttered out in a mousy voice.

Bucky gave you a shy smile, before taking the disheveled tray from your hands. Your hands touched as he reached for the green object causing a bolt of electricity to soar through your body. It had been the first form of contact the two of you have had in days. Handing you a new tray, he brushed his hand anxiously through his hair, "my bad." You nodded at him swallowing. You were looking into his deep blue eyes and it was impairing your ability to think. Since you could form no words, you turned around to restock your plate. Bucky followed you like a little lost puppy. Slightly annoyed with his presence, you huffed before turning to face him once again. About to speak, he beat you to it. "We're shipping out again. Tonight. I just thought I'd let you know."

He started to leave until you shouted after him, "Bucky!" He turned to face you agin with a hopeful expression on his face. "Take care of my brother."

He gave you a half hearted smile before saying, "always do." You nodded at him one last time before turning on your heel. You silently kicked yourself for doing that to him. You were such a terrible person.

Quickly returning to where Peggy was seated, you slammed down your tray. "(Y/n)? I'm sensing that something is the matter."

"Yeah. The fact that I'm a horrible girlfriend! I can't believe he is still so kind to me after how I treat him."

"But are you forgetting how he treated you?"

"No. But he was just caught up in the heat of the moment. I'm purposefully hurting him."

Soldat (Bucky Barnes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now