Ordinary People

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The POWs were then given medical attention before being given some time away from the battlefield to recover. There was an abundance of people that flowed through the medical tents in need of your aid. Some of them weren't so bad, but others were much worse. One man's leg was completely shattered. He said that one of the guards took a sledge hammer to his limb and busted it up. You didn't know how he was able to keep working. You didn't know how any of them did it. They were all such brave men and you felt truly happy that so many of them made it back. They all had families; mothers, brothers, wives, children. And they all wanted to see those people again.

War is pointless. Even when you "win," everyone looses. The First Great War was supposed to be the War to End all Wars. Boy were we wrong. All that war did was trigger the next. And the next. Until eventually there will be none left to fight. Humans could potentially fight themselves out of existence. It all just seems so useless; so much blood shed for what? In your opinion, nothing could be valued so highly as to be worth taking someone's life away.

Most of the men, after going through such traumatic experiences in the war or from being held captive by Hydra, were dealing with Post Traumatic Stress. That's what you had recently been spending the bulk of your time doing; consoling the soldiers. You were like a therapist, helping the boys deal with what they have seen, done, and been through. They all felt comfortable around you. They opened up to you. It was probably because you reminded them the most of home; something, or someone, they left behind perhaps. A majority of their stories were so horrid and others had tales that made you want to cry. You sympathized with the soldiers and tried to help them the best that you could. Although you couldn't comprehend what they went through; it was all bloody and terrible.

Your latest patient had just left and Bucky noticed this. He took the opportunity to get a few moments with you. He snuck up behind you and covered your long lashes with his hands, "How is my favorite nurse today?"

You smiled instantly recognizing his voice. "Why don't you tell me," you spoke to your boyfriend while removing his rough hands and turning around, "Bucky?" You asked with a wide pearled smile.

"Well I think..." he leaned down to peck your lips, "that she..." he touched your lips with his own again, "is the most..." he bent down once more and kissed you, "beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon." He leaned down and brushed his lips upon yours, in a lingering sweet kiss.

You reluctantly pulled away from Bucky, "come on, I'm working. And your being a distraction."

"Oh you think I'm distracting." Bucky teased while playing with your neck.

"Very," you bit your lip slightly. "Now you need to leave." You giggled out while you lightly pushed him away.

"Come on. Don't you want to talk to me." Bucky whined out.

"You know I do. It's just that I'm supposed to be helping people with their PTS and you are eating up their time." You said this while crossing your arms.

Bucky came up to you and hugged your waist, "what if I was the one you were consoling?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Fine." You laughed, "But you actually have to talk about things I can help you with. This isn't just some time where you can fool around an-"

"Oh angel, as long as my breath escapes these lungs, I'll do whatever you ask." He winked at you and all you could do was role your eyes with a small laugh.

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