Home is Where the Heart is

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It'd been a week since Bucky had come to yours' and your brother's rescue. Although their time had been short, the boys had already become inseparable. You wished that during that time, you had been given the opportunity to get to know Bucky a little more yourself, but Steve had never had very many friends, and you didn't want to be the one to take this chance away from him.

Despite your decision, you just couldn't seem to go a day without thinking of Bucky. Your heart leaped every time you saw him, and everything about him made you smile. But most of all, you loved the kind light his mesmerizing blue orbs held within.

It was true however that seeing how close the boys had gotten was making you jealous. They always seemed to be together nowadays, including you less and less in their adventures. They even convinced you to start riding bikes to school. But, they were both faster and you were forced to peddle with all your might, only to still lag 15 feet behind them.

"Hey slow down guys!" you struggled to shout as you were out of breath.

"What do you think Steve, should we slow up a tad bit?" Bucky teased.

"Yes. You most definitely should!" you complained.

"Well if it means that much to you..." he tilt his head to the side as if he was contemplating the decision. "...nah."

"Nah? NAH?! Well why not you jerk?!"

"Oh I just love getting a rise out of you, (y/n). It's probably my favorite part of the day." You stood there with your mouth dropped. He found amusement in ignoring you and teasing you all day? Were you just a toy to him? You couldn't stand it any longer. You growled and started peddling off in front of the boys with all your speed.

"Come back (y/n)!" Bucky called. "I was just joshing you." This time he started to peddle, standing up on the bike to increase his velocity. Poor Steve was left in the dust.

Bucky finally caught up to you and started to pass you. Once he got far enough ahead, he jumped off his bike and stood in front of you. You had to apply your breaks because you were afraid of running right through him. Once your bike reached him, he grabbed onto you handle bars to complete the stop. He was standing with his face three inches from yours, and you couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I just grabbed his face and pecked him right on the lips?

As you looked down trying to distract yourself from your thoughts, you couldn't help but notice his hands. They were practically touching yours, and it sent the hairs on the back of your neck straight up.

"(y/n), I'm sorry. If I knew it bothered you so much, I wouldn't have teased you. I just find it a-adorable when you scrunch your nose when you're angry." He said looking down shyly. His statement caused a pink tint to form in your cheeks. Doing the only thing you could to hide your blush, you shifted your bike into a different direction, desperately wanting to be anywhere but here, so Bucky couldn't see how rosy your cheeks were becoming.

"It doesn't bother me," you retorted. "I-I was just trying to get to school. You know me, never wanting to be late." You said with a smug look, trying to act convincing.

"Is that so?"

You nodded feeling satisfied. "So if it doesn't bother you..." he started, "...then you must like it...because you like me."

"What?! I do not!" your face dropped and all your confidence was gone. You were totally obvious. You felt as if the whole world was laughing at you, and it just made your blush grow even darker.

"Don't worry about it, angel, because I am rather fond of you as well." He said with a wink. You sat there dumbfounded as Steve finally approached.

Soldat (Bucky Barnes x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant