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After a month or so, of the same routine, you finally took a step up. The weight training became less vigorous and soon deteriorated into a quick review. To replace this time, Soldat taught you self defense. He was preparing you to start fighting more and drew you closer to your end game; a Hydra super soldier.

You had grown fond of your instructor. He always treated you fairly and did his best to train you. You had took notice to the small smiles that would occasional grace his face. You thought that even a crooked grin made him so much more handsome, and secretly hoped he would do it more often. He also allowed you to talk more, not during the first four hours of course, but any other time he would intently listen. The way his blue eyes laced up with care made your stomach do flips. You used to believe his glacier eyes were ice cold, that they knew no warmth and never shared loved. Now you know, the hottest fires always burn blue. When he was with you and only you, he would sometimes defer from his molded face and it would become one that seemed more human like. You tried hard not to be so attracted to your soldier friend, but it was rather difficult when he was the only form of human interaction you ever got. It also didn't help that he was so good looking. His hair had grown in length, falling to his shoulders, and begging you to weave your hands through it. You wanted nothing more than to feel his slight scruff on your smooth cheeks, but you knew that none of that would ever happen. You felt like a stupid little girl who had a crush on her school teacher. That wasn't true at all though; you were neither stupid nor little, although you did have a crush on your teacher.

A quick blow to your shoulder yanked you out of your own mind, "ow! What the heck, Soldat?"

"You can't be distracted in a fight. Rule number one." He allowed himself a small smirk, "but of course you would know that if you weren't gawking at me all the time." Your eyes grew wide with slight fear that he had discovered your little effectuation with him. The air became a tad frigid, but not so much that it was obvious. You had been trying to keep your powers down and not let inflated emotions effect them too greatly. "That was a joke." He said a little unsure if he did it right or not.

"Hilarious." You retorted and he gave you a smug smile, which only added to his appeal.

"Now, let's review the defensive positions."

"Umm..." You racked your brain for any answer that would help, but you had not been paying any attention.

"Tsk tsk." He said playfully, for him. "I thought you were a better student than this."

"I am. I promise!"

"Maybe you need to be punished."

"No no no. I'm really listening this time; please go over it again." You begged because you didn't know what sort of trickery Soldat had up his sleeve when he said 'punishment.'"

"Come here, Engel." He motioned his hand for you to hither. With uncertainty, you walked to your instructor, stopping a foot or two in front of him. He grabbed your hand with his metallic one and pulled you closer. "You can't fight from way back there, Engel. You want to be close to your target at all times, even if you are on the defensive side. Although, I think that after I am finished with you, you never will be. It is important to maintain your stance; always maintain your original foot positioning. This will give you stability and keep your weight centered so you don't get knocked off-balance. You understand me thus far?"

"Yeah I think I know how to stand just fine, thank you." You sassed.

"You think so?"

Soldat (Bucky Barnes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now