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You felt a jolt scour your body, engulfing it like a flame. Your mind screamed for the burning pain to stop, but you couldn't speak. You could feel your heart pound against its rib cage, the sensation starting your pulse back up. Your body was gasping for air at the same time it was convulsing within itself. It looked as if you were having a seizure while your body was being supplied the means of restoring your life.

You felt one last gush of fire burning your insides before you shot your eyes wide open. The quick action brought your brain to the reality of its massive migraine. You felt like you had just swallowed a milkshake too fast and got an extremely painful brain freeze, only this one didn't go away. You were attempting to get up, to get any sense of where you were at, but found you could only lift your chest a quarter of an inch. You looked down to see your wrists and ankles bound to the metal slab you were laying on. The table was unfamiliar to your body which only added to your level of discomfort. Your body was nearly completely exposed. The only covering you had on, other than your under garments, was the thin, white blouse you had put on earlier. You had never been so naked in front of anyone and tried to hide your bare legs, but there was no possible way to do so.

"Hello, my dear." Your head snapped up only for your bloodshot eyes to be blinded with a fluorescent light. While your eyes were adjusting, you could just make out the slim framed glasses on the short figure in front of you. He had a wicked grin on his face, resembling the one of Dr. Frankenstein from the movie.

"Dr. Zola?" You asked trying to remember if that was right. Your whole life seemed like a dream that you couldn't quite grasp; all the concepts were there, but no details. You were sure this man was a doctor, but when you saw his smile drop instantly upon saying his name, or what you thought was his name, you weren't so sure.

"How do you even know that?" His tone mixed with the accent made you uneasy. "I have tampered with your hippocampus so much that it should be destroyed and yet, you still recognize me. Fascinating." He went over and grasped your head as if he could feel your brain on the outside. You started to flail your body. You didn't know who this guy was and you certainly didn't want him touching you. You desperately tried to break free from the restraints. Each time you jolted your arms up, the force knocked some of the resistance free. "Ah, I see the serum has improved your strength." The pudgy man spoke calmly, as if he didn't notice your body flopping like a fish on the stone table. "It must have enhanced your mind as well and that is why the process didn't work fully. But don't you worry, we'll fix everything right up." The malicious smile was back on this witchdoctor's face as he inserted a needle into your neck. You could feel your arms grow limp and you couldn't fight whatever foul virus he put in your body; your eyes fluttered before you slipped into emptiness.


You could move your eyes, feeling them glide against their closed lids, but you kept them shut. You were in the middle of a terrible nightmare that you knew wouldn't end, whether you revealed your pretty (e/c) eyes to world, or not. You tried to calm your mind, but couldn't think with the splintering headache you had. It had only gotten worse since they put you back down, feeling like the iceberg that sunk the Titanic, was lodged in your skull.

You started to move to get up, but felt a restraint against your wrists. You didn't know why your wrists were bound and couldn't remember where you were. Before you could open your eyes, you heard a familiar voice, but couldn't place it with anyone. "She should be waking up soon and when she does, test her."

"Test her over what?" You didn't have a clue to whom this voice belonged and didn't even try to place it.

"On what she remembers. If she can recollect any details of her past, we start over. If not then she is fine to proceed with the next step."

Soldat (Bucky Barnes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now