Battle of Memories

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You woke up earlier than the birds and before the sun had risen over the horizon. Your room was smoldering in the heat and you quietly opened the door to make your getaway. Glancing around the hall to make sure the area was secure, you silently shut the normally squeaky and noisy door. Continuing down the hall, you tiptoed over foreign objects that lay in your wake. The darkness covered you like a blanket, and you had to be careful not to stumble and awaken the others.

The trek to the exit was exhausting, due to the fact that you were already so tired from not being a morning person. Even though the hallway winded and twisted, you knew the path shouldn't have been as long as the one you were taking. Perhaps it was because you were afraid of being caught, but each step felt like it took an eternity.

Light bled in through the cracks of the door; a sure sign that you were getting closer and closer to the exit that you desired. You grabbed the knob gently and slipped out of the suffocating room. The light of the newly risen sun fell upon your face. You took in your first real breath of fresh air and almost drowned in its cleanness. The wind blew around a cool breeze, which was much appreciated by your body after being in such a stuffy area for so long. Tossing your head back, you enjoyed the feeling of the pleasant outside world.

"What are you doing, Angel?" The sound of another voice surprised you enough to make you jump back.

Bucky was laughing at your reaction and all you could do was clutch at your heart as if he had given you a heart attack. You scolded him, "don't sneak up on me like that." You playfully hit him on the chest.

"Hey, I only came because you asked me to." He held up his hands in defense.

"Well maybe if you would have came on time, then I would've expected you."

"Oh come on (y/n), I'm only two minutes late."

"I know, I'm teasing. But let's go, I want to finish before Stevie wakes up." You grabbed his hand and ran off in the direction of town.

It had been five days since your last trial and they had sent you to your room to rejuvenate. They wanted you to be well rested before your first mission. All the minor cuts had healed and the bones in your knee were coming together nicely. The serum they had put into you to make you into a superhuman, had definitely made it easier to heal.

A bandage laid across your nose to mold its crooked form back together, and a wrap was around your severed hand. No matter how bad you looked, you were content with where you were now. No one was allowed to disturb you and you had all the opportunities to do what you wanted. You had been tapping into the safeguard of your brain and retrieving old memories from it. Every time it was painful, but every glimpse into your past was worth it.

You had discovered that you could watch your memories like you would a movie; it just required a little extra work that you didn't mind doing. Using your powers, you created a slab of ice that was perfect to place visuals upon. Mist swirled in the air, when you sped up the molecules. Images were projected from your brain and through the air and upon the cold sheet; a home theatre was at the edge of your finger tips.

You watched scene after scene to get the basics of your life. You knew you had a family, a brother-Steve, and a mother. It was always the three of you and Bucky too. You found out who you were. Your name was (y/n), and you liked it a whole lot. It suited you, and it brought you comfort to start to know exactly how you had lived before.

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