uncle connor 3-☼

361 7 10

Requested by @glittersilver

trigger warnings: depression/drug use mentions

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"Please tell me why I can't go with you guys?" Mia asked her mother as she put some earrings in.

"Because the publishing company is trying to become more charitable. Some book about rainforests comes out, and now there's a gala hosted to raise funds for pollution," Zoe told her daughter, as she finished getting ready.

"But you published a poetry book about being a young mom, and they didn't have a gala," Mia snorted, as she zipped up her dance jacket. She had class that night, so Mia was already dressed in her dance wear.

"I know, but I'm working on a new book. They might do something for that."

"Can I come then?" Mia asked.

"I'm not sure..." Zoe responded.

"I still don't get why you have to go to this stupid gala..." Mia huffed, "I thought Dad hated parties."

"He does, but this is more his speed. Besides, we talked a lot about this, and he's usually calmer when he's with one of us girls."

Though it wasn't as prominent, Mia was still aware of her father's anxiety. Luckily, he was doing a lot better, due to the fact that his girls kept him calm (and his field of work was almost like helping himself anyways).

"You haven't even told me where I'm staying," Mia retorted.

"It's a surprise." Zoe smiled.

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"Okay, Mia, we'll see you tomorrow. You'll be picked up by someone after dance," Evan said, as he pulled into the parking lot of the dance studio.

"That sounded really creepy..." Mia laughed.

"I know, Mim. You'll know when you see them, though," Evan replied.

"Sounds good. I love you guys," Mia replied, as she stepped out of the car.

"Love you too, have fun!" Her parents called after her, as she walked into the studio.

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"Uncle Connor!" Mia gasped, as she saw him waiting for her in the parental waiting room.

"Hey, Mims, what's up?" Connor asked, giving the girl a hug. The two were pretty close, though Connor resented towards her when she was little. Connor lived about 40 minutes away from the Hansen family, so they didn't visit as frequently.

"Nothing much..." Mia replied, as they walked out of the studio.

"You packed a bag to spend the night, right?" Connor asked, as the two got in the car.

"Yeah. It's at home, though," Mia replied.

"I figured," Connor said, driving toward Mia's house, "How was your school year?"

"It was kind of boring and annoying. I mean, 6th grade is the first year of middle school for me, so it kind of sucked to be in the bottom of the heap, you know?"

Connor nodded. 6th grade was when he started to go downhill. Of course, that's when he moved to the area that he spent his teenage years. He wasn't sure if the move triggered his depression or not, but he started to think was a component in what happened.

When Connor got to Mia's house, he found himself lost in the thought of his own sixth grade year. He knew that Mia wouldn't take a long time grabbing her bag, but it was a lot to think about. Of course, sixth grade wasn't the hardest year of his life, but he still found it memorable in his years of youth. Luckily, Connor could now claim that he was "living his best life," as Mia would probably say.

"Have you eaten yet?" Connor asked, on the way to his house.

"No. Dance started at 4:30, and that felt kind of early," Mia said.

"Is that when dance usually starts?"

"It depends. Tonight was jazz, and I have ballet and tap on Tuesdays, and I do privates on Thursdays, since I'm doing a competition solo. Tap and ballet are during the day, since it's summer. My privates are at 3:30. It's going to change, though, since school is coming up."

"Are you starting your competition stuff already?"

"Yep. The season doesn't really start until January, but we do a bunch of technique in June, we learn our numbers in July, and we clean in the fall. We have our Christmas concert in December too, so we take a cleaning break in November and December."

"Do you rehearse more in the fall?"

"Yeah. The schedule gets more busy in the fall. I don't mind though."

"I get it," Connor smiled, "What's your favorite style?"

"Probably jazz, or contemporary," Mia answered, "Do you have a favorite?"

"Don't tell your mother this, but tap."

"Why would I tell Mom that?"

"Don't worry about it, kid." Connor laughed. Zoe would never believe him if he said that his favorite dance style was tap. Sometimes he would find himself making up tap dances without thinking about it, even though he had never taken a lesson in his life, "Anyways, do you want me to order a pizza?"

"Sure," Mia replied.

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After the two finished their pizza, they decided to browse through Netflix to watch a movie. Connor figured his selections wouldn't be what Mia would be interested in. She was a little too bright and happy to enjoy Law and Order. Luckily, Mia picked out a movie very quickly.

"What the hell is a kissing booth?" Connor asked, as he read the synopsis. Of course, he had to make sure it was age appropriate.

"It's a booth, where you kiss people."

"You know, I think I actually went to a kissing booth, once," Connor laughed.

"What's the story behind that?" Mia giggled.

"Your grandparents, mom, and I went to Florida when I was about 10 years old. We went to this carnival thing, and I guess Miss Florida was there? Anyways, Mom made me kiss her on the cheek or something, and it was literally for $5. I think that might count as prostitution or something..." Connor trailed off, realizing what he was saying.

"What's prostitution?" Mia asked.

Connor rubbed his head, instantly regretting what he had said. "Did you parents give you the talk yet?"

"Actually, I'm good. Can we watch this?" Mia retorted.

"Sure." Connor hit play on the remote, thanking God that he could dodge that bullet.

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Connor realized he must've fallen asleep during the movie, when he awoke with a blanket on him, and all of the lights turned off. He checked his phone to reveal that it was around 3:30. He started to go back into his room, when he noticed Mia filling a Dixie cup with water.

"Why are you up so late?" Connor asked, causing Mia to jump.

"I just needed some water..." Mia responded, "I also kind of had a bad dream, but it's okay."

"Do you need to talk about it?" Connor asked. He usually took bad dreams a little more seriously, since was all too used to them.

"I mean, I'm super scared of clowns, and some clown was trying to hurt me in the dream. I don't remember most of it."

"I get it... I used to get nightmares a lot. I still get them frequently, but not as much. Usually when I get them, I let myself breathe, maybe get a drink of water. Then, I sit up and think about all of the things I'm not afraid of, or things I'm thankful for. Usually just something happy."

"That's a good idea. Thanks Uncle Connor..." Mia replied.

"No problem, kid. Now go back to bed, and think about something positive."

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