what is that?-♡

482 10 2

Requested by @ChloeGraceMortezFan

trigger warnings: slight raunchiness and super light relapse/depression mention


"I'll start off..." Alana said. She was sitting in a circle with her four other friends, Zoe, Jared, Evan, and Connor. She had invited her friends over, mostly because they haven't hung out all together since forever (or so she said).

"Okay, um... Connor, truth or dare?"

"How about... truth..." Connor replied.

"Okay, what are you most afraid of?" Alana asked.

"Wow getting deep here... I guess relapsing or falling..." Connor said. Connor used to suffer from depression, but he had gotten a lot better since high school, "Next is... Zoe, truth or dare?"

"Truth..." Zoe replied. She pushed her hair behind her shoulder, revealing a small mark on her neck. Alana exchanged glances with Connor.

Just a couple hours before the hangout, Alana was flipping out on Connor (and Jared) about the bruise.

"She's cheating! She is so cheating! I can't believe her!"

"Alana chill, maybe they actually... did the doos like normal people do..." Jared suggested.

"No. Evan is way to innocent for that..." Alana replied.

"Remind me why I'm here for this conversation..." Connor asked.

"This does regard your sister," Alana raised her eyes, "If your sister is cheating on Evan, you should be the one to confront her..."

"Alana Beck, that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard! First off, I am not asking which boy gave my sister a hickey, and second, this is a crazy theory."

"I'm with Connor here, but I do want to know the story behind this," Jared laughed, "How are we going to intervene?"

"I have the perfect idea..." Alana said.

"Have you ever thought about cheating?" Connor asked. Alana raised her eyebrows and looked at Zoe.

"Honestly, no," Zoe replied.

"That was a boring answer, okay!" Jared asked.

"Okay, um for making fun of my healthy relationship, Jared can go next,"

"Wow okay, how about dare..."

"I dare you to eat a bathbomb..." Zoe said.

"He eats bathbombs every day, Zoe!" Alan said.

"One that's not from Lush..." she raised a brow at Alana, who ran to her bathroom to get an off-brand bathbomb that she got for her birthday, a month prior.

"I can't believe you're making me do this..." Jared sighed, taking a crunch into the bathbomb. He quickly ran to the bathroom to spit it out. "Okay next is Evan!" Jared exclaimed, once all of the nasty bathbomb was out of his mouth.

"I guess dare..." Evan said. Jared looked at Alana. Alana nodded. He looked at Connor. Connor nodded.

"I dare you to... go in the bathroom and sing Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' until I knock on the door to let you out."

Evan slowly walked to the bathroom, and pulled up some of the lyrics to the song. Evan was confused why he got such an obscure dare, but he obeyed.

With Evan gone, the three could finally question Zoe.

"Zoe Murphy," Alana started.

"Alana Beck," Zoe replied.

"Is that a hickey I spy?" Alana asked, pointing to the bruise on her neck. Zoe's face went blank.

"How did you know?" Zoe asked.

"Real smart to wear a tank top after it..." Jared said, sarcastically.

"Guys, don't get on Evan about this okay?" Zoe asked.

"Evan did it? I thought you were cheating!" Connor admitted.

"Well, I mean, it just kinda... happened, you know?" Zoe said.

"It? Or buildup type stuff?" Alana asked.

"Wow, as much as I love hearing about my sister's sex-life, I can only listen to Evan sing Titanic so many times, so I'm letting him out..." Connor said, opening the door.

"Thank goodness..." Zoe said. She was relieved that the questioning from Alana would end momentarily. However, this didn't stop Alana from always getting the scoop on her friend's love life. But then again, that's just what friends do.

Author's Note:

I decided to revise this a little bit because it was not good... It's still not awesome, but I liked my idea for this, so I added/deleted a few things here and there. Hope you enjoyed!

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