meet the family -♡

427 15 3

Requested by @broadwayfan22


"So," Connor started.

"So..." Even replied. Evan was at the Murphy house, to pick up Zoe for a date. Evan had only seen Connor at school, not really talking to him. Connor was known as the emo druggie who blasted Lil Peep through his headphones. However, Connor was the brother of Evan's girlfriend, so, of course, they had to meet at some point.

"Are you the famous Evan Hansen I've heard about?" Connor asked, trying to be humorous, but failing, per usual. Connor usually closed himself  off from other people, but this time, he didn't. Of course, Evan was known as that awkward sweaty kid who couldn't talk to anyone, so it was Connor's job to break the ice.

"You guys talk about me?" Evan asked, in a small voice.

"I mean, Mom asks Zoe about you, and Zoe gets all embarrassed... it's pretty hilarious actually..." Connor said.

Evan laughed, awkwardly.

"Do you love her?" Connor asked.

"What?" Evan replied, confused.

"I mean, do you love her? Not just have a little crush on her, but actually love her."

"Of course I do..." Evan responded, which was true. He had been in love with the girl since sixth grade.

"But, listen, I don't want you to waste her time, and I don't want you to break her heart. She doesn't need that right now, Okay? I actually slightly trust you, so don't mess this up," Connor said.

"Yessir..." Evan replied. Connor was more protective than Larry.

"Zoe really loves you, so don't let either of us down..."

"Is there anything else I should know? Like little quirks and things to remember? Girls always have that stuff..." Evan asked.

"Zoe loves yellow roses, that's a start. She used to be a dancer, but is totally capable of perfectly busting a move. She always draws on her pants, which ticks off our parents. She also buys those magazines, like Seventeen and Twist and she always marks stuff in them. I don't know what it is, but I bust in her room and she's drawing or something in those things-Zoe's a really good artist too..." Connor said.

"Thank you... I won't let either of you guys down..." Evan nodded.

"Okay, Hansen. I'm taking your word for it..."

"God, Connor, are you scaring him?" Zoe asked. She had finished getting ready, and had gotten down the stairs to meet Evan.

"Zoe, chill, I was just talking to your little boyfriend..."

"I hate you so much..." Zoe sighed.

"Okay, have fun, use protection, and I hate you as well..." Connor said, turning to go back into his room.

"Was he being scary or weird? I'm sorry about him, he can be a jerk," Zoe told Evan.

"He was fine..." Evan reassured.

"Are you sure?" Zoe asked.

"Positive..." Evan smiled, as the two left the house.

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