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This was requested by @ChloeGraceMortezFan



To many, this simple word-probably made up for the purposes of high school students-means their own night at Cinderella's Ball... The best night of their entire lives.

For Evan Hansen, this word meant a night of torment, that he would probably end up experiencing, for the sake of his mother. His mother, Heidi, had done everything she could to make her son happy. It was only right to return the favor.

Evan and his mother both knew that he wouldn't end up with a date. Evan was annoyed at himself for not having the slightest bit of courage to just speak to Zoe Murphy, and (hopefully) ask her to prom. This, of course didn't happen, so Evan pretty much forced himself to go alone.

"You can see if you and Jared could go..." Heidi suggested, knowing in her head that Evan would decline.

"He's already going with Alana..." Evan told his mother.

"That's okay, we can see if he'll let you go along with them... My friends and I would do that all the time..." Heidi said, knowing that she was usually the one with the date. Heidi was a popular cheerleader in high school, and she always had a long line of boys asking her to prom (one of them just so happened to be Evan's father).

"It's fine, Mom... I can go alone..."

Evan's mother nodded, leaving the room, as she worried about her son.


"Zoe, just give it a chance!" Cynthia Murphy told her stubborn daughter. The young girl quickly stuffed random school supplies in her bag, to seem preoccupied.

"Mom, I am not going to prom..." Zoe sighed. They've had his argument a million times already. Zoe hoped that she would win, though she sort of knew her mother would end up winning the battle. Zoe would just go to make her mother happy because Zoe's the perfect daughter who does whatever her family wants her to do.

Her brother, Connor, couldn't help but laugh a little bit. Wow, I'm not the one Mom's yelling at for once.

"Why not? Is it because you don't have a date?" Cynthia asked.

"Haven't like, four guys asked you to prom already?" Connor asked.

"Butt out, Connor..." Zoe sighed.

"Who asked you, Zoe?" Cynthia pressed.

"No one... just a tennis player, the lead in the school play, a baseball player, and the guy I sit next to in study hall..."

"Well, they all seem like very nice boys... Why did you decline?"

"Because I didn't want to go with any of them..." Zoe replied.

"Okay, then why don't you go with one of your friends? Maybe Kaitlyn or Sabrina?" Cynthia asked.

"They have dates..."

Cynthia sighed, "I don't get why you girls just can't get together and go as a group, like you did in middle school... The moms on Facebook would say that you were 'squad goals,'"

Zoe visibly cringed at the sound of her mother saying "Squad Goals".

"I know, but they have boyfriends..." Zoe refuted, "Besides, Connor's not going..."

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