you're so hot when you're mad-♡

967 23 15

Requested by: cooperana


Zoe wandered through the hallway, with a scowl on her face. She was not in the mood for dealing with these idiotic people that's she's known since she was young.

Zoe moved to this small town the summer before 5th grade. 5th grade was probably the worst year of her entire life, because she had no idea who anyone was, and she always tagged along with her brother. This was when Connor started "the shift", as Zoe called this time in her life. Connor was getting older, and therefore, Zoe was placed in his care, tagging along with him to 6th grader things. Zoe had more 6th grade friends than she did 5th grade friends. She found that Evan Hansen kid weird, but slightly attractive, the Jared guy annoying and perverted, and Alana Beck barely tolerable. Nonetheless, she managed with some other people.

No matter how many times she had woken up just to go to her high school to see these familiar faces every day, she still hated it.

A few months to this moment, some chick named Jolene moved in from Tennessee. Jolene was a bit pushy, and she claimed to know way more about guitar than Zoe.

"Ya know, you shouldn't play that section like that... I'm from Music City after all, I know about guitar and stuff..." (Jolene wasn't even from Nashville, to be completely honest. She was from some small town about an hour from Nashville).

Zoe took is as constructive criticism for a while, and then she realized that Jolene was just trying to take over what Zoe was doing.

"That sounds like some old jazzy blues crap... It sounds stupid. Fix it..." was today's comment.

"Jolene, this is jazz band, that's what it's supposed to sound like..." Zoe sighed.

"Well it sounds horrible..."

Zoe was confident in her abilities. Other people said she was good. So why should she believe what Jolene was saying?

Still, it royally ticked Zoe off.

"Hey, Zoe, didja hear about the one girl who just got kicked out of the musical? Are you taking her place or something?"

"Not now Jared..." Zoe told him, obviously mad.

"Dang, someone's on her period..." Jared walked off.


"Hey, what's wrong? Jared told me you were acting weird. He thinks you're bleeding... Do you need anything? I have stuff if you-"

"Evan, I'm not on my period..." Zoe sighed, agitated.

"What's wrong, then?" Evan asked.

"This girl in jazz band keeps testing me. She always talks about how I suck and how I should play differently and it's ticking me off..."

"She's just jealous. A lot of people want to be you..."

"No she's not. She thinks she's better than everyone else, and she thinks that she can just take control of the whole band. She can't even tune a guitar. But since she's from Tennessee, home of country music, she thinks she can just take control of what we're playing! This is jazz band, we're not playing the washboard and banjo!"

"You know, this is going to sound really weird and I'm sorry, but you're so hot when you're mad..." Evan laughed.

This instantly cheered Zoe up, and pulled her out of her rant.

"Shut up," Zoe giggled, pulling her boyfriend into a side hug (they both tried not to show PDA, because they didn't want to be hippocrates. Evan and Zoe hated seeing PDA, so they didn't want to join the trend, if they hated it).


Author's Note
Okay, so I'm a very busy person and I had a choir concert the night I started this. Because of the concert, I had little time at home to write, SO I WROTE THIS IMAGINE AT SCHOOL and I hate writing at school more than words can explain. I also can't write romance for my life, so here's me trying...

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