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Sorry I haven't been doing these in a while... I've mostly been working on my SITS Prequel "And The Rest Of The World Falls Away" and planning for some new projects... Be sure to check my Instagram (bratayleyandfandoms) for updates.

Anyways, this is kind of based off of stuff that's been going on in my life at the moment, so here you go!

(In this story, Connor is alive, and Evan doesn't have anxiety)


There was no way that Zoe still loved Evan.

There was no possible way.

But why did her heart start to race whenever she saw him?

Why could she not help but text her friends whenever they made eye contact?

They were all annoyed with her talking about him, due to them having a little bit of history. She would always freak out whenever she saw him in the hallway, or if they made the slightest eye contact. The simplest thing would cause Zoe to bring herself back to that time in her life where she was one hundred percent sure that she loved him.

She hated that time in her life, but she loved it at the same time. Her heart fluttered whenever her phone buzzed, in hopes that it was him, who wanted to talk. This wasn't her first love, but it sure did feel like it.


She didn't love him. They were friends. Simple as that. That's all she thought of him, that's all he thought of her, right?

During that time, a reliable source (Jared Kleinman) told Zoe that he liked her. She believed it for a while. She could see them together. Zoe hadn't had her first kiss at the time, but now she imaged Evan as her first kiss. Dates to homecoming, prom, etc. It would just be them. No one else. It would almost be like it was them against the world, except what happened to the world would't matter.

Everything changed that day.

"So... have I been talked about with Evan?" Zoe asked Jared, trying to sound nonchalant. However, Jared knew the truth.

"About that... He likes someone else," Jared sighed.

You would practically hear Zoe's heart shattering. Her stomach dropped and her face went pale.

"Oh..." Zoe responded, "Do you know who?"

"I don't personally know her... She goes to another school, I think they met through his place of worship..."

Zoe just nodded, not knowing what to say, "I didn't really like him too much anyways... It's no big deal. Just as long as he's happy."

After school, Connor drove her home, as always. She was more quiet than usual, and Connor noticed. The two never had very many calm conversations. Usually they just had screaming matches. However, Connor knew something was up. He knew his sister more than most people.

"Zo, what's wrong?" Connor asked.

"Why do you care?" Zoe snapped.

"You've been acting weird today. I just want to know if you're okay..."

"I'm fine." A tear fell from her cheek, as she looked out the window.

Connor didn't want her to feel worse, so he didn't say a word. When they got home, Zoe just threw her backpack on her floor, and cried on her bed.

How could she be so stupid?

She didn't want to read Rupi Kaur poems or listen to Taylor Swift. She just wanted to stay here. She didn't want to have to face him on Monday. She didn't want to face her family with her tear streaked face.

She just wanted it to be only her, for a little while.

And the rest of the world fell away.

"Evan? Oh my God, hi! How are things?" Zoe asked, hugging Evan. She could feel her own heart racing as she hugged the boy for longer than she expected. Alana Beck, who was talking to Evan, before he noticed Zoe, stood next to them. She didn't know their status. All she knew was that he had a girlfriend.

"Things are great, what about you?" he replied.

Horribly lonely without you.


"Awesome..." Zoe smiled. She hoped that he couldn't see through that fake smile. She figured Alana could, but not Evan.

The two started catching up, talking about the most random things like cracked iPhones, or their classes for the year. It was just like old times, except for the fact that Zoe couldn't help but notice that Evan's lock screen was a picture with the mystery girlfriend. As long as he was happy, she was happy.

However, an alarm went off, when he noticed that Zoe saw his wallpaper.

He knew that Sabrina wasn't a fan of Zoe. Zoe had tried to follow her on Instagram, but she instantly declined. She had seen all of the pictures they took together and how his eyes lit up whenever he recalled memories of the two. Sabrina did not want Zoe getting in the way. However, she knew that she couldn't control him all the way. Therefore, Sabrina was silent, though Evan knew.

Hours later, Evan and Zoe found themselves at Jared Kleinman's party. His parties were notorious for being wild. Zoe, having her mind consumed by the thoughts of Evan, decided to go. It would be good for her to get her mind off of him for once. Evan just went, because he had nothing better to do.

Zoe couldn't believe herself when she looked down to find a Red Solo Cup in her hands.

What's one drink? I need to forget anyways... She thought to herself, as she took a sip. After a couple more sips, Zoe had no idea what the hell was going on.

Evan noticed her standing alone, a little buzzed himself. They were both too quiet to say a word to each other. Neither could remember who initiated the conversation, but they ended up talking about the party.

They soon found themselves kissing, which was one thing they knew they would never forget.

Zoe never expected her first kiss to be under the influence of alcohol, but she knew it would be with Evan. The kiss seemed to say "I miss you," "I love you," "I need you," all at once, without words being spoken. They knew they shouldn't be doing this, but it felt too good to stop. Admittedly, there was some heavy breathing and unexpected moans from the both of them, but the music was too loud, and no one could hear a thing.

"Hey! Get a room!" Someone yelled at the two. This was the one thing that made them stop kissing.

"Yeah, um, I shouldn't be doing this, I'm sorry. I have a girlfriend, and she doesn't exactly know that I still have feelings-whatever it's complicated, I'm sorry..." Evan said walking away, cursing himself for what he had done.

Zoe immediately called her designated driver to drop her off at home. She didn't want to be left alone at that party anymore. She just wanted to be alone in her room.

When she got to her own room, Zoe couldn't help but look out the window, wondering what Evan was thinking.

Maybe he was thinking about her...

or maybe he wasn't...

Just as long as he's happy... Zoe thought

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