you've never seen spongebob? -♡

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"Evan Hansen, you have ten seconds to tell me you're joking..." Zoe said.

"I'm not joking..." Evan deadpanned.

"How have you never seen Spongebob Squarepants?" Zoe asked.

"I️ was never allowed..." Evan replied.

"That makes no sense, but okay..." Zoe said, "Now, I️ guess instead of trying to figure out which Nick Sparks movie we want to watch, we're just going to make up for lost time..." Zoe started to rummage through the DVD cabinet. She quickly pulled out a Spongebob DVD, and popped it in the player. She pulled up one of her favorite episodes, from her childhood.

Evan was, honestly, pretty confused what the hype was about. He had seen random memes online about the show, but he didn't understand why people were so invested in the life of a sea sponge and his underwater friends.

"That was the stupidest thing I️'ve ever watched..." Evan recoiled.

"Exactly..." Zoe replied, "That's the entire point of the show..."

"No, I️ mean, that was very stupid..."

"I️f you don't like it, we can watch something else..." Zoe offered.

"I'm just go confused... Why are children around the world obsessed with this Sponge?"

"Because he's hilarious..." Zoe responded, "But seriously, I️ can turn on something else, if you wa-"

"No way. I️ can't stop now... I️ need to know what I️ missed out on as a child..."

"So are you just going to want to watch Spongebob the rest of the day to revive your childhood dreams?" Zoe asked.

"Pretty much..."

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