uncle connor pt. 2-☼

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Author's Note I just saw DEH for the second time, and my dad got this picture of MLB and I... THE SHOW WAS INCREDIBLE!!! I also saw Waitress last night, AND THAT WAS AMAZING, so I felt inspired to write this!

Trigger warning-depression

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Connor burst into the waiting room of the hospital. His heart was beating out of his chest. His baby sister, was about to have her own kid. When Connor looked around, he saw Evan, her boyfriend, sitting in a chair, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"What are you doing out here?" Connor asked.

"Zoe made it clear that she didn't want anyone in there. Personally, I couldn't stand to be in there-I mean not that IdidntwanttosupportZoeorthiskidoranything-"

"Okay, I get it... Did they give her pain meds?"

"Yeah, she's pretty drugged up..." Evan said, until he realized what he had just said, "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry..."

Connor couldn't help but laugh, "Were the drugs talking, when Zoe said that she wanted to be alone?" Connor asked.

"Oh, no, this was on the way here..." Evan replied.

"Were you rambling?" Connor chuckled.

"No, I swear, I wasn't rambling-wellImeanmyhandsweresweatywhenIwasdrivnghere-andIwaskindofspeedingwhichcouldvebeenbad-butthewholetimeIwasterrifiedthatIwoulddriveusoff
theroad-but I didn't, and the whole time I was trying not to ramble, and I didn't!"

"Well good for you..." Connor deadpanned, "Mom's stuck in traffic, so our moms are going to be a while..."

"Is Larry coming, or-"

"Larry's not coming. He's still ticked about the whole thing..."

"Are you two related to Zoe Murphy?" a nurse asked.

"I'm her brother, and this is the father..." Connor said.

"Alright, well Ms. Murphy just gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and she asked for me to bring you in..." the nurse replied. She lead Evan and Connor back to Zoe's room. Connor couldn't notice Evan wiping his hands on his shirt.

"You good, man?" Connor asked.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous, I guess..." Evan replied.

"Hey, don't sweat it. You're going to be a great dad."

The nurse lead Connor and Evan into Zoe's room. Zoe was in her bed, holding her daughter. You could see the tiredness in her face.

"Hey..." Evan said. Zoe looked up, and weakly smiled.

"Hi..." she said, quietly.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked.

"I'm mostly just tired. And a little bit sore." Zoe replied, "Do you want to hold her?" Evan eagerly took the baby, and looked at his daughter, smiling.

Evan soon passed the baby to Connor, and he couldn't help but smile. Connor had been battling depression for years. He had been in therapy for a while, which helped him with his anger, but he was still... depressed. The medication was helping him with the actual depression. The fact that he was holding his baby niece was the reason he had smiled more than usual that night.

"What's her name?" Connor said, placing the baby into the hospital crib/box thing.

"Mia Connie Hansen..." Evan asked. Zoe was dozing off at his side.

"You mean-"

"Yeah, we middle-named her after you... well, sorta..." Evan replied.

Connor started to tear up a little bit, but he tried to hide it.

"Thanks man..."

"We wanted to name her after you in a way, so you know that it gets better, and that you'll be found. Just something to smile about..." Zoe said, trying to sit up a little bit.

"I don't know what to say..." Connor replied, "thank you, so much... for this..."

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