38 7 17

Author's note: I was tagged by @Oceane_Breeze so thanks for that.

1. Do I have a crush on someone?

no. I wish someone had a crush on me then we'd be talking.

2. Middle Name?


3. What's my height?

Short, but not too short.

4. What's my footsize?

Foot fetish anyone? a nine.

5. Eyecolor?

Well I used to have blue-green eyes, but they're brown now. I still have olive green in them though.

6. Last time I cried?

A week ago.

7. Biggest Fear?


8. Last song I listened to?

Clarity by Zedd featuring Foxes

9. Last person I texted?

on Wattpad, Oceane_Breeze

10. Favorite app?

Don't have many apps, used to have WeHeartIt. I really like that app.

11. Favorite Food?

I'm assuming you mean cuisine cuz I like food a lot.

Puerto Rican cuisine, definitely.

12. Age?

College aged student.

13. Hair color?


14. Favorite music?

Everything except heavy metal and rap with bad words in it.

15. Favorite book genres?

Military scifi action, adventure, fantasty, etc...anything but chicklit/horror/tragedy


LadySapphire2018 ManeetSurana  JabberlocksBox EmzemB

shootingstarangel2 Fizzing_Whizbs Angel_Yusa

sorry guys!!!

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