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It was a day away from prom and I still don't have my dress.

It will be impossible to find one at this point.

I sigh and walk inside from a long day and school and sit my bag down on the couch and plop on the couch.

Taehyung has been clinging to me all week and I really hope it starts to fade because it's getting a little annoying.

He wants to prove to me that he doesn't want anyone else even though yesterday I saw him with Jennie again.

I just don't care anymore because I'm don't trying and caring.

As I sat down on the couch Lina walked into the house from work and smiled when she saw me.

"Hi my Sister."

She says and I giggle and sit up.

She said I could ask for anything whenever I needed it.

I sighed and thought for a second, then I finally decided to ask.

"Hey um I was wondering if you would help me."

She turned around, it obviously getting her attention with a smile.

"Of course, i told you anytime you need it just ask me love."

I nodded and got up off of the couch fiddling with my fingers.

"Well um, prom is tomorrow."

I said nervously and hesitantly.

"Omg really? You have to let me do your hair and makeup!"

I laughed nervously and looked at her with a desperate look.

"I don't even have a dress."

Her eyes widen and she gasped.

"Oh no! Why did you wait?!"

I groaned and buried my face in my hands and shook my head.

"I don't know I didn't figure finding a prom dress would be that hard so i didn't even try Until just now and there's nothing good."

She laughs and walks into hers and dads bedroom and I waited confused, wondering what she was doing.

She came back two boxes in her hands and I looked at her confused.

" Well since you waited i want you to use mine, I know this is kind of like the situation the mom gives the daughter her wedding dress and it ends up being ugly, yeah no this dress is beautiful.

My eyes widened and I shook my head quickly not accepting the dress.

"No, Lina, I can't accept that, it's yours."

I gave her a nervous smile and she olles her eyes with a laugh and looked at me.

"Well I cant really fit in it anymore as well as the shoes so i want you go have them."

I looked at her with my mouth wide open and she handed me the two boxes before waving me off.

"Go try it on i want to see how beautiful you look."

I squealed and took the boxes from her and ran up the stairs and into the bathroom to change.

After I'm done changing I gasp in awe and yell out and smile covering my mouth.

"Shes right this is one beautiful ass dress."

I giggled and opened the bathroom door and ran down the stairs almost breaking my neck because the shoes were so high.

I saw Lina in the Kitchen who was talking to Jimin but stopped suddenly when she saw me.

She squealed so loud I almost covered my eardrums turning Jimin to turn around to face me.

He looked me up and down and I backed up and he bit his lip before turning back around.

"Solbi! You look so beautiful! Whoever is going to prom with you is one lucky guy."

I turned bright red and giggles and looked at Jimin again who had his back turned to me.

Why didn't he call me ugly?

Probably because his mom was there.

"I can't wait!"

I smiled and walked back up the stairs and into the bathroom looking st myself in the mirror.

I really hope tomorrow goes well.


I finish brushing my teeth and walk back into mine, and of course Jimins room and see him on his bed looking through his phone.

I ignore him and walk over to my bed and look over at him studying his facial features.

He was quite attractive.

Stop thinking like that Solbi!

He is mean and cold hearted.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow at me which caused me to look away and my cheeks heat up.

"What do you want?"

He asks with that same cold tone as always and I shake my head and roll my eyes.

"Not everything is about You Park Jimin."

He rolled his eyes before shutting off his phone and turning over.

"Your actually going through, you know, going to prom with Taehyung?"

He asks and I look at him with a look of surprise.

"I don't know i might just tell him tomorrow that I don't want to go with him."

He then turns over to face me and I look back at him.

"He's no good."

Those words come out of his mouth and I shake my head in disbelief.

"You have a lot of room to be Talking."

He looks at me with a serious look.

"I know I may not be the best but at least I don't do girls like he does."

"What Are you talking about? You've take a lot of girls You know, Virginity."

He Looks at me and rolls his eyes and then lays his back.

"You mean those rumors? Those girls are only trying to get attention."

" We all know you like them."

He turns to face me his brows furrowed together.

"Their more of a distraction."

"A distraction from what?"

I asked giving him a confused look but he just turns his back to me going to sleep.

What could he possibly mean by a distraction?

From what?!

Unexpected. •Jimin FF•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें