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We were standing outside in the hall waiting for our punishment from Miss. Joyuhn.

Oh yeah by we I mean Myself and Mr. Park Jimin.

Jimin is my bully, he likes to tease and be mean to me.

And I you couldn't tell today was one of those days.

"I can't believe you Jimin." I say and roll my eyes as he scoffs and I look over at him.

"If I don't make college because of you I swear to god I will hunt you down and cut that dumb head of yours."

"Oh shut up Solbi, Nobody cares about your pathetic ass."

I am shocked by the words that just come out of his mouth.

"Me?! I'm the pathetic one Park Jimin?! Are you serious? At least I am going to do something with my life instead of going around being an ass my whole life."

"Yeah!? Well at least people like me."

"That's the problem! You worry about what everyone thinks and I really don't care what anyone thinks."

At that moment Miss Joyuhn walks out into the corridor hearing the last of my sentence looking at me.

"What would you like to say miss Jung?"

"Nothing Miss Joyunh."

I mumble and I look over at Jimin to see that smirk on his face and I scoff and receive the lecture speech.

*After class*

Finally, lunch time. I've been hungry all day because I didn't have time to eat breakfast in the morning.

Well I mean I never do because of my dad but I'm just extra hungry today for some reason.

"SOLBI!" I hear the familiar voice of Mina, my absolute best friend.

I turned around to see her running down the hallway bumping in to almost everyone.

"Hey Mina." I laugh softly and we instantly turn around and head towards the lunchroom.

"Oh my god have you ever noticed how absolutely adorable and attractive Jung Hoseok is?"

She says absolutely in awe her cheeks blushing bright red.

I giggle and look over at her as we reached the line and turned to face her.

"Uh yeah, you literally talk about how 'Attractive' he is everyday."

I say and smile rolling my eyes playfully at her cute crush on Hoseok.

"Well I just thought I should remind you."

"Mina I really honestly couldn't forget you've been doing this since 8th grade."

She blushed in embarrassment and looks around.

We reached the front of the line and got our trays and went to go sit down.

On the way to sit down I feel my foot trip over something and I went plunging down to the floor hitting my face hard, especially my nose.

I heard laughing and I felt a slight but rather hard kick on my left side.

I looked up and saw Jimin who laughed and walked away over to his table and I scoffed and Mina helped me up.

"Oh my god are you okay Solbi?" She asks in a real worried tone.

At least none of the food got on me.

Then I turn and answer her question.

"Yeah I'm okay." I say even though that's one of the biggest lies I ever told.

I was honestly never okay, from putting up with Jimins shit and coming home dealing with my dad every night.

I wasn't okay.

She gave me a warm but worried smile and we went to go sit down.

After a while I looked over at jimins table where I saw him laughing and having a good time with his friends.

I can't believe we actually used to be friends...


I finally arrived home because after school Mina had choir practice so honestly I really didn't have a choice.

I slowly walked up the sidewalk and opened the door as quietly as possible but it didn't help.


I hear my dad yell as soon as I walk inside the house and I flinch at the roughness, coldness and loudness is his voice.

"But, dad I have homework.." I say quietly honestly really terrified at what might happen next.

"Whatever, go do your damn homework, so worthless just like your mother."

I hear him mumble the last part which makes my heart ache.

It wasn't the part about me that made it ache, but the part about my mom.. my mom was a Lawyer and I loved my mom.

She was sweet and wasn't really a basic mom.

And my dad, he used to be nice too before mom died from drug overdose and then he became like he is.

I would do anything to have mom back.

am so so sorry but I know some of you guys will probably be confused wen you read this buT, so basically in the beginning The main character in the books name was Solbi, but I got off of track and began to call her y/n so please bear with me. I will get it all edited to y/n  later. 💗💗💗

Unexpected. •Jimin FF•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora