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The next day at school everything was different.

I mean everything.

Everybody was so nice to me, except for Jimin of course.

I felt like I was in a parallel universe and it was amazing.

People actually wanted to be my friend.

But I really don't except them as my true friends like I do Mina because she's the only one who excepted me before I started dating Taehyung.

As I was walking down the hallway I spot Taehyung and Mina talking at my locker and I smiled.

"Hey Guys." I waved to them as I finally reached my locker.

"SOLBI! you aren't going to believe what happened to me this morning! HOSEOK LOOKED AT ME!"

She yelled and it was kind of loud and everyone in the hallway got quiet and looked towards us.

"ni il-ina singyeongsseo!" Mina yelled and I pursed my lips together to keep from laughing.

Mina only actually talks in our language when she's mad and it's kinda cute and everyone gets so scared of her.

The hallway got silent and I bit my cheek to keep from laughing before everyone carried on with their business as usual.

I felt Taehyung out his arm around my waist and It was kind of uncomfortable for a second.

Until I got used to it I smiled softly to where he didn't notice but I knew he did by his chuckle.

"Bye guys I'll see you in 4th period." Mina says smirking and she winked at me and I groaned and rolled my eyes at her Childress.

"Minaaaaa stop!"

She laughed and made her way to science as me and Taehyung made our way to English.

Once we were there the whole room filled with a quite uncomfortable awkward silence.

I looked around and then realized he was holding my hand.

I blushed and smiled widely trying my best to hold it back but it was hard.

I walked to my seat with Taehyung following me then we took our seats and I giggled softly.

"What's so funny?" He asked and I shook my head slightly and then looked up and over into his brow eyes.

"You sure are popular."

He chuckled and shook his head before replying

"I prefer the term well known."

"Yeah well known for being a real ass." I hear a familiar but a voice that I knew I didn't want to hear at a time like this.

I snapped my head in the direction that it came from and to no ones surprise it was Park Jimin.

"Shut the fuck up Jimin! If anyone's the ass it's you! I've seen the way you treat Solbi and trust me you have no room to be speaking yourself."

Taehyung replied which shocked me.

No one ever stood up to Jimin like that, everyone kind of knew not to.

Jimins sly smirk turned into a glare and I got uneasy and shifted in my seat.

"Now you listen Here Kim Taehyung, maybe if she wasn't such a slut she wouldn't be treated that way."

The smirk reappeared in his face but my heart only felt ache and hurt.

I could see no regret in his eyes.

"Just leave it alone."

I whispered to Taehyung who had his jaw tightened as well as his fist I felt a tear form in the corner of my eye which I quickly wiped away.

I turned to face the front of the class and I could see Jimin looking at me with maybe just the slightest bit of regret.

"Yeah I don't hardly fucking think so."

Taehyung got up from his seat walked towards Jimin and grabbed him by his shirt collar and he didn't even seemed phased by it.

"Don't call her that again because Solbi is better than all of the people at this school, especially you, so if you even think for a second that you have the right you need to keep your smart ass mouth shut."

I kept really quiet after Taehyung said that last sentence with side eyes on my face of shock.

No one ever stood up for me like that...

Especially not against Park Jimin.

Unexpected. •Jimin FF•Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat