Got Enough Guts?

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The Garcia's and Clementine have to use walker guts to walk through a herd encountered on a run. Y'all please make me stop writing gabentine I'm breaking my own heart.

"I really don't understand why everyone had to come," Clementine grumbles as she leads the pack of Garcia's. Gabe is at her side with Javi, and David all walk behind them. David at the far back with a gun and a watchful eye of their surrounding.

Gabe shrugs, keeping one hand in his pocket and the other at his side by his holster, ready to shoot anything if needed. "Maybe they think we're going to find a lot of supplies in the town, or maybe they don't trust us to go alone," Gabe shrugs.

He knows Clem is use to doing stuff alone and her way, so he can see where she's coming from. But at the same time, Gabe couldn't help but feel a lot better knowing they had three strong adults to back them up. Even if Clem could totally save herself if needed.

A pout forms on the girls face, but she doesn't say anything. Keeping her arms crossed as her shotgun swings on her back.

"We're just along for extra support Clem, the guys have reported some more bandit activity around here lately so we don't want you guys getting caught up in, or staring any trouble," Javi explains from behind.

Clementine turns to tell him how she and Gabe would have been perfectly capable on her own, when she's cut off.

"Shit, it's a herd of muertos," Gabe curses, keeping his voice low and making the rest of the group pause.

Javi and Clem are quick to put their game faces on as the look at the herd that wasn't too far away but still a good distance. "It doesn't seem like they're going anywhere, just lingering," Javi observes as he takes hold of his gun.

Glaring at the weapon before up at its holder, Clementine speaks up. "Yeah, and we don't want them going anywhere. We can just sneak right through without disturbing them," Clementine suggests, grabbing her knife from her back pocket.

The Garcia family is confused for a second, before Javi recalls the water tower plan. Groaning, he drops his hands, letting his gun hang by the strap. "Really? There's no way around?" He asks with a pout, making an amused face grow on Clem.

"We could go through the woods, but then we might lose track of where we're heading. And it would be easier for the herd to surround us out there. I think we should head right through them," David agrees, giving Clementine a nod.

"Of course you would say that, you haven't had to do it yet," Javi grumbles.

Still confused to the conversation going on, Gabe crosses his arms. "What exactly is the plan?" He ask, turning to look at Clem, who's amused look shifts to a soft and calm one upon eye contact.

"We need to cut a walker open and cover ourselves with its guts. Then they will think we're part of them and we can slip on through," she explains, watching Gabe's face fall into one of disgust and discomfort. "It's...yeah. It's as gross as it sounds," she confesses with a small shoulder shrug.

A few lone walkers have taken notice of their group, and start to head over to their next meal.

"Just, breathe through your mouth, and pretend like it's just mud, really chunky mud," Clem tries to make it better than it really is as she turns toward the three walkers.

Gabe lets Javi, Clem, and David take care of them. Watching the three walkers fall to the floor. David and Javi step back from theirs and watch as Clementine kneels down. She glares at the monster before stabbing the knife between its protruding ribs. She saws it downwards, splitting open the skin to expose the rotten intestines to the group.

"Just- don't think about it," Clem says, digging her hands in to scoop up was she could into her small palms. They watch as she brings it to the collar of her shirt before dragging the organs down her chest. The chunks that fall to the floor alone almost makes Gabe puke. "Javi and David, you can share that walker. Gabe you can share mine. The third can be used for extra, more fresh guts," Clem orders.

She wipes her hands off on her hips before digging in for more. Cringing as she slides her slick hands down her thighs, before bringing what's left up to rub on her neck and across her cheeks.

Slowly, Gabe kneels down next to her. He doesn't want to seem like a coward, but this is just disgusting. The smell up close turns his face a pale shade and he resists the turning urge to puke. He can hear Javi complaining and David telling him to shut up behind them, and he's watching Clem get two more hand fulls to rub on her arms as if she was washing her body with soap.

Closing his eyes, Gabe forces himself to dig his hand into the gaping stomach of the muerto. He doesn't open his eyes the entire time he's rubbing the organs on his shirt and jacket.

"Hey Gabe?" Clems voice prompts Gabe to open his eyes and look at her. He notices she again has two off-red stained hands full of guts as she looks at him, "I'm gonna cover your back, if that's okay?" She asks, and Gabe is quick to nod. He doesn't say anything though. Not because he doesn't know what to say, but because he knows if he opens his mouth he'll puke all over her.

Clem shuffles to be behind him, and slowly starts to spread the organs over his back. Slowly turning the lovely blue jacket into a gross brownish red color of the dead. She drags her hands from his shoulder blades, down to his hips. It would be slightly intimate if not for the fact that she was covering his back with guts.

Once she's done with his back, and he had done the best with his face without puking, they both get to their feet again.

"I can get your back now," Gabe offers, and Clementine smiles.

"Yeah, okay! Why don't you cut open that walker though, since ours is pretty cleaned out," Clem explains, and Gabe nods.

Without thinking, Gabe is stabbing and cutting open the third walker. Digging in and spreading guts across Clementines back. From her shoulder blades, to her hips. Then to the back of her thighs and calf's as she asks.

He finishes, wiping the excess blood off onto her shoulders before she turns around.

"I think we're good," Javi exclaims as he wipes his hands off on his ass, David standing up after him, wiping his own hands off onto his face.

"Yeah, I'm good too, Clem?" Gabe turns to the girl, who's already looking at him.

His face seemed a little too bare for Clems liking. On instinct, Clem reaches forward, dragging her still wet with gore fingers across his cheeks and down to his jaw, as she would have done with AJ.

She is quick to come back to herself though. Cheeks turning hot as she freezes, fingers still resting delicately on his jaw as they stare wide eyed at each other.

A split second passes before Clementine is dropping her hands and stepping back. "Sorry- uh sorry Gabe. I always did that to AJ, just a force of habit," she apologizes quickly as Gabriel just shakes his head.

"No, no no no, uh don't worry about it," Gabe counters, raising his hands a little, "it's totally okay, I mean, better be safe than sorry, right?" He offers.

Both teens are blushing as Clem nods. "Uh, yeah. Exactly. Better safe than sorry," she nods, a shy smile growing.

They laugh softly as the moment dies down. Javi and David watching on in the background. While Javi was loving it, David seemed less interested. Walking forward to grab the two by the shoulders.

"C'mon love birds, we have a run to accomplish," David can't help the nickname as they head towards the herd.

If it weren't for the muertos and walkers surrounding them, Gabe and Clem would have passionately denied the title given to them by Gabe's father. But for the time being, they just shared a bashful look.

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