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Clementine gets sick and has to stay in bed, and to make sure Clementine doesnt do anything stupid, Javi stays with her. Protectcabba2k requested some Javier and Clem bonding time and this is what I came up with! Its not the best but my excuse is that i got no sleep lastnight! Im really sorry if its not what you wanted, but I hope you enjoy it!

The last time Clementine was this sick, she had trudged through a blizzard for days, fallen into a frozen lake, then had to again trudge through the snow for who knows how much longer. Currently, she was freezing under a thick jacket and two blankets, and ultimately bedridden. Kate had Eleanor come over earlier to check up on Clem, and it turns out she just has a normal cold.

"It's really nothing to worry about. As long as she stays in bed she should be fine in a couple of days. Maybe even tomorrow if she gets enough rest." Eleanor shrugs in the doorway to Javis apartment.

"Thanks, Elle, we'll see what we can do," Kate smiles before waving goodbye to their friend. Once the door is closed she turns to Javi. "Okay, I think we both know that there no way Clementine will stay in her bed if she's here alone. Maybe I can skip my work for the day to stay with her?" Kate offers, but immediately Javi shakes his head.

"No...I can stay with her, I've taken responsibility for her, so I'll watch over her for the day." Javi smiles, and Kate just rolls her eyes. 

"You're making it sound like she's a puppy you found on the streets." She laughs, "Okay fine. Just make sure to keep her fed and watered." Kate teases. She leans in to press her lips to Javis cheek. "I'll send Gabe up later to check in on you two. See you."

The apartment is silent for a few minutes after Kate leaves, and Javi thinks of what his parents use to do when he or David got the cold as kids. Recalling his Ma's soup recipe that was supposed to cure any illness in seconds, Javi moved to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Clementine was still suffering in her room. She eyed the book on the nightstand next to Gabes bed, which was across from hers. He read it every night and never seemed to get tired of it. Clementines curiosity was just about to burst at the seams. She had been wanting to ask him to read some of it to her for the longest time now, but could never build up the courage. 

Slowly, she pushes herself out from all of her covers, suffling over to Gabes side of the room. She's about to pick up the book when Javi knocks on the door to her shared room. Not wanting to get scolded for being up, Clementine quickly retreats to her bed and under her covers again. 

"Come in," She calls weakly to the man, who then slowly walks in.

"Heya Clem, how're you feeling?" He asks, giving the teen a smile as he walks over, holding a bowl and spoon in one hand.

"I dunno. Stuffy I guess?" Clementine shrugs, her voice a little nasally from her blocked nose. 

"Yeah, you sound stuffy." Javi sends a grin, which gets a glare in response. "But hey, I made you some soup," He then holds out the bowl, and Clementine slowly takes hold of it, not wanting to spill it anywhere.

"Thanks," He actually gets a smile from the sick girl. He's about to leave the room again, but he's stopped. Clementine had reached out and grabbed him gently by his sleeve to get his attention. She opens her mouth, but seems to second guess herself. Javi watches her eyes dart between him and something on Gabes nightstand. Slowly, Javi looks over and sees Gabes book that he had carried around with him for years.

When Clementine notices that Javi figured out what she was looking at, she cringes. She has never been good at being subtle.

"Did you want to read this? I'm sure Gabe wouldn't mind, he's read this over and over again for years." Javi explains as he goes to pick up the book, flipping it over to read the title. He makes his way back over to Clems side of the room, holding the book out to her. The girl hesitates though, keeping her hands on the bowl in her lap.

"I...I want to, but I can't." The girl says with a sigh of defeat after a few moments. Javi cocks a brow at the teen, looking between her and the book like she had done moments ago.

"Clem, Gabe would gladly let you borrow the book. I'm sure he won't get upset if you read it without asking." Javi almost rolls his eyes at the girls apparent stubbornness. Clementine holds back a groan because of course Javi wouldn't get it.

"No... I mean... Javi I literally can't read it." Clementine basically whispers the end, and Javi faulters, his hand dropping to his side as he puts two and two together. The way Clem always asks someone else to read AJ his bedtime stories and the way Clem would stare at the posters for mandatory New Frontier meets for too long before turning away to find someone who knew what was going on.

"You never learned how to read?" Javi suddenly blurts out, and Clementines face flushes in embarrassment.

"I learned how to read a little!" The teen protests before faltering, "I just...kinda forgot? Its weird," She frowns, leaning back against a wall. "When I turned eleven, my old friend found a book for me, like for a birthday gift. And when I tried to read it, nothing made sense to me, like it was a different language. I guess because reading isn't exactly needed for survival, my brain just got rid of the ability." Clementine weakly explains. 

Javi slowly sits next to the sick teen, who was clearly upset by the fact that she didnt knows how to read. A part of him felt warm and happy at her explanation, not because he's excited that she doesn't know how to read, obviously, but because she's sharing private information with him, which she rarely ever does. All he knows about her past is that shes been with multiple groups, and all have ended in sorrow. So the fact that she's opening up to him makes him feel like she's accepting the fact that she's a part of his family now, whether she likes it or not. Slowly he starts to turn the book over in his grip before he comes to an idea.

"I can read it to you if you want? And I can help you learn?" He offers, giving a cautious smile, which she slowly, but surely returns.

"Yeah...I'd like that," Clem responds, and Javi gets comfortable. 

He moves to sit shoulder to shoulder with the teen, the book in his lap where they could both see the words, and he starts to read to her. He reads a whole chapter before its Clems turn to read aloud.

She struggles quite a bit at first, squinting at and trying to sound out words, and she often has to let Javi read them aloud to her. She then repeats a word multiple times to get used to it before moving on, only to repeat the system again on a new word. Shes surprised that Javi wasn't getting annoyed at her, in fact, he seemed to be enjoying it! Eventually, she finishes the page and leans back with exhaust.

"Cant you just read it all to me. I'm sick." She says, pulling a pout, and Javi can't believe his ears.

"Did you really just pull the sick card on me?" He asks in surprise, but she continues to pout at him, bringing a hand up to rub her neck. 

"Also, can you go get me some water, my throat is dry. And an extra blanket, ooh and if we have any, some headache medicine, I think your voice is really starting to make my head hurt," She continues on, the pout fading into an amused grin at the adult's annoyance. "Please...I'm sick," She's trying to hold back a grin now as Javi stands up.

"You can be a real pain in the ass," He grumbles, taking the empty soup bowl from her lap. He goes to grab all the things Clementine asked for, but when he comes back, he's surprised to find the girl passed out and drooling on her pillow.He cants help but laugh, his annoyance fading as he sets the water bottle and pain pills down on her nightstand before covering her with the extra blanket he brought.

He makes sure to take her hat off for her, setting that on the pillow next to her head. And Javi can't help but brush some dirty hair out of her face. 

"I hope you feel better soon Clem," The adult gives a smile at the sleeping teen before he makes his way to leave her room. He hears shuffling on the bed and turns to see that Clementine had turned to lay on her side, her back now facing him, but he can still hear what she has to say.

"You're a pretty good guardian Javi, thanks." She mumbles tiredly in her half asleep-half awake state.

"And you're a pretty good kid Clem," Javi responds, even though he's positive the girl's already asleep.

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