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To celebrate the beginning of summer break, Kenny, Lee, Katjaa, Duck, and Clementine all head to the waterpark for a day of fun! Another adoable request from mettatonlover858 i love these requests so much omg thank youuuu!!!

Lee was quick to regret his decision of sitting in the back with the kids so Katjaa didnt have to. Duck and Clementine were relentless in trying to bother each other, and Lee was in the middle of it. To keep the kids entertained for the ride Katjaa had brought some coloring books and markers for them, which was immediately proven to be a bad idea. Duck accidentally ended up coloring off of his book and onto his swim trunks, and not wanting to be the only one with an orange marker, he reached over Lees lap to color on some of Clementines dress. In retaliation, Clementine tried to jump and attack the older boy. Small hands reaching for the boy's throat before Lees able to catch her.

Lee always found it amusing how Clementine was an angel and sweet to everyone she meets, but when shes around Duck, she turns into a monster. Guess the older boy just knows how to push her buttons. The entire car ride Lee is keeping the kids from attacking each other, much to their disappointment.

"Lee, are you sure you don't want to sit in the front on the way back? I'm sure I can handle the kids just fine," Katjaa offers for the thousandth time.

"Trust me, I'm fine. Really, its a piece of cake," Lee smiles at the woman as Ducks hand fly's past to grab and tug at one of the buns on top of Clementine's head. The girl screams and also reaches past lee to try and grab a handful of Ducks buzzed hair before Lee is separating the two once again.

After what felt like hours, they arrive at the popular water park. Duck and Lee get out one door, before Lee's head to Clementine's side to help try and fix her hair best he could. It's not like he did a good job at styling her hair in the first place though, since what was supposed to be two buns on top of her head turned out to just be two pigtails on top of her head with stray curls flying in every direction. But either way, Lee thought the girl looked adorable.

"Clementine darling, come here so I can put some sunscreen on you," Katjaa calls from behind the truck. Once Lee does what he could for her hair, he sends her over.

"We're raising a couple of monsters, Lee," Kenny laughs as he gets out of the front seat, securing his cap on his head as he shuts the door. Walking over to his friend as Lee rolls his eyes.

"Maybe. The thing is, Clementine only acts this way around Duck," Lee shakes his head, crossing his arms.

"It's cause she wants to prove to him that he ain't any stronger than him just cause he's older," Kenny explains with a shrug, watching as Clementine sticks her tongue out at the older boy while Katjaa rubs sunscreen into her cheeks.

"Okay, now you Ducky," Katjaa says, turning to her son who quickly begins to protest.

"Mooooom, 'm not gonna burn. I dont need any sunscreen!" The boy whines, even going so far to stomp his foot in a mini tantrum, hands balled into fists at his sides. Katjaa starts to insist that he does before Kenny stops her.

"Naw Kat. If the boy says he ain't gonna burn, then he ain't gonna burn." Kenny smirks, nodding towards his son who grins triumphantly up at his mother.

"Fine...fine. Let's just get in the water. It's hot out here." Katjaa says, pulling the bag of towels onto her shoulder before heading towards the entrance to the water park. Duck immeditiatly begins to run off across the parking lot, much to the horror of his parents, and wanting to catch up, Clem begins to run too before Lee coughs, catching the girls attention.

"Sorry Lee," The girl mumbles, waiting for Lee to catch up to her. He takes her hand before they continue towards the entrance, where Duck was already waiting.

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