Good Friend

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So this is a quickmodern Gabentine one-shot! Basically, Clem gets her clothes stolen and has to ask her good friend Gabriel to help! I think this is super cute and it was super fun to write!

"You guys have to be kidding me!" Clementine shouts, chasing after the upperclassmen who are currently holding all of her clothes in their hands. Leaving her with only a towel to cover herself with.

This was such a cliche that could really only happen to Clementine. Groaning, she pulled the towel tighter around her body. A quick glance up at the clock on the wall told her that it was an hour and a half past the time when school let out. She and the rest of her soccer team had just come back from their first win of the season, and Clementine had been the unlucky girl to score the winning goal. And apparently, the seniors thought it would be a cute idea to steal her all of her clothes while she showered. They even got into her locker to take her gym clothes!

Holding onto the towel with one hand, she slammed her fist down on a sink before cursing loudly. Yeah, hitting things isn't the smartest idea.

Rubbing her now throbbing hand, she stalks around the empty locker room, searching for any sort of clothes when she hears the doors from the outside into the hallway opening and loud laughter filling the hallway. Must be the baseball team coming in from practice. 

She slumps on a bench with her head in her hands before realizing something. 

Gabe was on the baseball team! He would totally let her borrow some clothes, after all, he did owe her for a lot of things. Smirking to herself, she stood up and made her way over to the exit of the girls locker room.

She stands to wait as the boys all shower and change and gets ready to head home, picking at her nails or pulling at a loose string on the dingy towel she had. Just trying to pass the time one way or another. Lee must be wondering where she is right now, she can't wait to tell him about this whole ordeal. She also can't wait to get her hands around the neck of whoever thought that this was a good idea.

She pulls herself from her fantasies when she hears talking fill the hallway again. Poking her head out, she sees a familiar dorky face talking to another boy about something dumb that happened in a class earlier that day.

Wasting no time, Clem called out his name in a low voice at first, not wanting to draw any real attention to herself.

"Gabe!" She waited a few seconds to see if he heard him, but apparently, he was too caught up in the story.

"Gabriel!" She hissed louder, still getting nothing more than a pause.

"Gabriel Garcia you get your ass over here!" She calls out, not caring about the attention she got from his friend.

Finally, Gabe turned around, frowning at the girl at first, but that frown quickly turns to shock when he realizes his friend is only wearing a towel as more boys start to fill the hallway. Quickly removing himself from the conversation he moved himself to the doorway of the girl's locker room, blocking Clem for any peeping eyes of his teammates.

"Clem, why aren't you wearing any clothes?" He asks, barely letting his eyes drop past her collar bones. His face a bright shade of red already.

Glad she was able to finally get his attention, she took a few steps back into the locker room. "Some upperclassmen decided to award me for my winning goal by stealing all of my clothes. Like all of them. They even broke into my locker to take my gym clothes." She said, clearly unamused by the joke.

Gabe slowly nodded in understanding. His teammates did the same to him a few months ago, but they weren't smart enough to break into his gym locker. " do you need me to like, shield you all the way back to your car or?" He asks, not really knowing what she wants him to do.

Rolling her eyes at his offer, she shakes her head. "No,  I need you to let me borrow some clothes dork." She paused to pull the towel up higher. "Anything you have that can get me home without being arrested for public indecency." She looks back to the clock on the wall before back to Gabe. "Please? Look I'll even wash them for you!" She offers, practically begging him at this point.

Gabe frowns for a few seconds as he tried to think of what he had on him to give her. "Uh, yeah, hold on lemme grab something." He said, stepping back, holding up a finger as he made his way back into the boy's locker room.

As she waited for her friend to come back, Clementine caught a look at herself in the mirror. Her curly hair was sticking out in all directions, and the mascara she had put on this morning had transferred from her lashes, to under her eyes. Groaning, she tried to wipe away the dark smudges, only succeeding in spreading the makeup more. God, she looked a mess. 

Finally, Gabe comes back, knocking on the door before pushing it open, holding out his baseball jersey and a pair of sweatpants. "Here, they're the cleanest things I have. Javi makes me wash the jersey every single night, and I wasn't too sweaty during practice today, so hopefully, it doesn't stink." He explains with a shrug.

Clementine gratefully takes the items from his hands, laughing a little. "God, you're literally a lifesaver!" She said with a grin. 

She makes her way into one of the stalls, letting the towel drop as she pulls on the sweatpants and baseball jersey. She has to hold up the sweatpants but they were better than nothing. Finally, she walks out of the locker room fully clothes. She admittedly felt insanely awkward wearing no bra or underwear, but at least she had clothes!

Spotting Gabe waiting for at the end of the hallway, she quickly makes her way over, swinging her bag over her shoulder as they both walk out of the school and to their cars together. Silently walking side by side, enjoying the breeze and each others company. They reach Clem's car first. She opens the back door and throws her bag inside before turning to Gabe with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Thanks again. For actually helping me. I can drive these back to your house later tonight?" She shrugs, clasping her left wrist in her right hand as she looks up at him, a small shy smile on her lips.

Gabe awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, a nervous habit he had picked up from his uncle, and nodded at her. "Yeah, that sounds cool. Marianna would love to talk to you again! She seriously misses you." He laughs. He couldn't believe how great Clementine looked wearing his jersey. 

Clementine nodded and laughed slightly. "Alright then. I'll see you and Marianna tonight then?" she asks, getting a confirming nod from Gabe. "Cool." She smiles.

"Yeah, cool." Gabe replies awkwardly, glancing away from her. After a brief moment of silence, both parties suddenly lean in, aiming to kiss the others cheek. 

Instead, they clash foreheads. 

Both suddenly stumble back, holding their head in pain and in surprise, before breaking into laughter. Clementine drops her hand from her head to cover her mouth, trying to suppress her giggles as Gabe moves his hand back to scratch at his neck.

Still trying to quit her giggles, Clementine looked back up at him, positive that her cheeks were just as red as his. Positive he's too embarrassed to try and make another move, Clementine steps forward, resting a hand on his shoulder to pull him down so she could easily press her lips to his cheek.

She stays like that for a moment before stepping back and opening her car door. "See you tonight!" She says before getting into her car.

Gabe watches in slight awe as she drives away. Slowly he makes his way back to his own car. As he sits in the driver's seat he recalls all the little details of that moment, his face turning an even brighter red. He recalls the small bits of mascara under her eyes, and her messy curly hair, and most importantly how she looks in his jersey. 

God, she was beautiful.

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