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Clementine invites Gabe over to meet her foster father, Lee. But when the rest of the "family" hears that Clementines bringing over her boyfriend, they all have to get in on this. (In this Luke is her foster brother, Kenny is her "Uncle"/ Lee's best friend, Christa and Omid are neighbors that use to babysit Clem and now babysit AJ.)This is super duper long so Im sorry 'bout that, but I've been thinking lately, but would anyone read a modern Gabentine fic? Cause I really want to write one, but I dunno if people would read it? Idk okay just enjoy this!

Clementine has been dreading this day for a while. She had finally worked up enough confidence to tell Lee that she has her first boyfriend, and while he was proud and happy for her, he instantly insisted to meet him. Since he 'wanted to make sure he's right for his little girl' or something lame like that.

Wanting to make this as painless as possible, Clementine made sure to pick a day that Luke was hanging out with Nick, Kenny was out fishing, and AJ was with Christa and Omid. Well, AJ wasnt too bad, in fact, she was sure that Gabe would love the little guy, but she was just being cautious.

Groaning, Clem pulls herself out of bed, shrugging on a random cozy jacket as she makes her way downstairs to make herself some breakfast before actually getting ready for school. Luke is already awake and at the kitchen counter, reading something dumb probably. She shuffles past him and pulls open the fridge, grabbing a cup of yogurt before letting the door close as she turns to grab a spoon from a drawer. As she bumps the drawer closed with her hip, Luke finally notices her.

"Morning kiddo." He smiles, reaching over to ruffle her already crazy hair. She shoots him a glare and bats away his hand, moving to hop up into the seat next to him, peeling open her yogurt as she does so.

"Why're you up so early? You have classes today?" Clem asks before shoving a spoonful of her breakfast into her mouth. 

Figuring talking to Clementine would be more interesting than his book, Luke shuts it and moves it aside. "I thought I could drive you to school today? Some fun brother-sister bonding time, since we haven't really had the chance to chat all too much lately."  Luke offers with a smile. "Plus Lee already left like an hour ago to drop AJ off at Omids and help Kenny with his boat, so I'm like, all you got." Luke shrugs, standing to grab some food for himself.

Clem shrugs right back at him. "Doesnt sound like I have much of a choice in the matter. But yeah, sounds cool." She gives him a tired smile before focusing on her yogurt. She checks the time and then looks back to Luke. "You're still doing that thing with Nick later right?" She asks, just to make sure.

In the middle of opening his granola bar, Luke posses before hesitantly nodding, as if hes not sure of his answer. "Yeah, I think so. Dude never fuckin' responds to his texts." Luke shakes his head, making Clem softly laugh. 

"Alright, just wanted to know." She says, before pushing herself off of her chair. "I'm gonna go get ready, then we can leave." She says, sending Luke a random peace sign as she walks away, pausing a second after realizing she did that. "Uh, sorry. I dunno what that was." She laughs to herself before turning to jog upstairs.

After half an hour, Clem finally comes downstairs, tugging the other half of her hair into a second pigtail. Luke grabs her dads hat off the table and rests it on her head for her. Clem shoots him a smile before picking up her bag and adjusts the hat on her head so its comfortable. "Okay, let's go," Clem says as Luke picks up his keys.

They make nice conversation on the way to Clementine's high school, talking about just random things that came to mind. Eventually Luke pulls up to the school, slowing to a stop so clem can get out. Almost instantly she seems to spot someone that makes her face light up. Before she gets out, Luke affectionately tugged down the bill of clementines hat so she couldn't see. "Have a good day kid." He smirked as Clementine groaned and pushed her hat back up.

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