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Clementine getting branded. Quick one shot I wrote on the drive home also I may or may not have another sad one shot in mind?? Too much happiness is happening lately we gotta bring back some sadness. It's very short but yeah, I hope you guys enjoy???

"Are you guys fucking serious?" Clementine has to physically restrain herself from shouting at the adults who are practically surrounding her.

David goes to shout at her before Ava steps forward, "Clem, listen. This is the test to make sure you're serious about being a part of this group. So we know you're not just going to bullshit us, alright?" Ava speaks calmly, which helps Clementine clam down. Slightly.

Still griping her arm where Ava pointed, Clementine looks towards AJ, who is innocently scribbling on a piece of yellow paper while occasionally letting out a weak cough. It was clear AJ was just getting worse as the days go on. Slowly, she looks back to the group of adults who were watching her expectantly. "If I do this, AJ can get the help he needs?" She asks.

David eyes the sick child before looking towards Lingard, who hasn't said a word. "We'll do everything we can," he nods.

Clementine looks at nothing for a few moments before letting out a defeated sigh. Closing her eyes, she nods. "Fuck it. Let's do it," is all she has to say.

Ava holds AJ while Clementine sits on a log, looking at the metal that David is heating up in the fire pit. "How long does it hurt?" Clementine asks, shivering in the cold. They made her take off the warm long sleeve shirt she had be wearing, leaving her only in a sports bra and the flannel she had rested on her shoulders to at least cover her chest and stomach as much as possible.

David shrugs after thinking for a moment. "Mine hurt for weeks. It's metal burning your skin off, so you do the math." He says sternly.

"I hate math," Clementine mutters to herself as she rubs her arm, watching the flames dance around the metal prod. If only kenny was here. She doubt he would have let them even mention the idea of branding her.

Am I really letting them brand me? Yes, yes I am. It's for AJ Clementine. He needs help. They can help him. They will help him.

"Clementine? Are you ready?" David asks, startling Clementine out of her thoughts. She puts on a tough face and nods.

"Yeah...yeah I am." She confirms. The still healing cut on her forehead starts to throb as the metal that's already radiating heat gets closer to her arm.

As if sensing that she's going to try to run, one of the men grabs her arm by her wrist and under her bicep, keeping a tight grip so she couldn't pull away. As the expected, once she could feel the slightest bit of heat, the twelve year old starts to freak out.

"No! No stop! I don't want to do it any more!" Clementine starts to scream trying to pull her arm away from the bruising grip of Rufus. She uses her free hand to claw at his, doing anything to try to get him to let go. But that just makes another guy grab that hand and hold it with an equally tight grip.

Fat tears are already spilling down the child's face as the red hot brand is pressed to her skin. A scream rips through the air for a split second before a hand is covering her mouth as well. Clementine never stops struggling, twisting her arm to try and get away from the constant pain, thrashing her head from side to side to continue to beg for it to stop.

Ava had to take AJ away from the scene, though she knew deep down that she couldn't stay around to watch that either.

Eventually, the hot metal is removed from her arm, but the pain doesn't leave. The grips on her arms and the hand covering her mouth disappear. And Clementine is left to cradle her arm against her chest as she openly sobs. She can't compare this pain to anything she's ever felt before.

When Arvo shot her, the shock took most of the pain. And by the time she had woken up, it was only a dull throb in her shoulder. The dog bite was bad, and sewing it up was even worse. But nothing compared to having red hot metal pressed into her skin. She couldn't even touch the burned skin to try and dull the pain, since touching it would bring more pain, to her hand and to the branded skin near her elbow.

Clementine numbly feels someone place her flannel around her shoulder again and help her to her feet. The person, too blurry through Clementines tears for her to make our, gently coaxes Clementine into her tent, when're she and AJ have made a temporary home. Some medicine and other medical items are placed in a corner, while full water bottles and food is in the other.

Once alone, Clementine is curling into a ball. She can't believe she did this. Just for some basic medicine and food. That stupid brand is now a permanent scar in her skin. She's part of the new frontier until it falls apart, since nothing lasts forever. Except scars and painful memories. Those last life times.

At one point, Clementine numbly watches Ava crawl into her tent to drop AJ off. Before she leaves, she places a gentle hand on Clementines shoulder. "Welcome to the New Frontier kid," is all the woman says before leaving the two children alone.

'Maybe they're not all bad,' Clementine thinks as AJ curls up on her lap, not liking that she was crying.

"I'm okay now goofball, now, why don't we get you the medicine you need to get better," She says softly, gently poking the toddlers nose before leaning over to find the best current medicine.

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