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After getting exiled from the New Frontier Clementine finds herself alone and more vunerable than ever. This was a one shot requested by someone on tumblr awhile ago but I'm literally the worst at writing and rememberinng shit I'm so sorry person ok I hope you all enjoy xx

This was so fucking unfair. David had no fucking right to do that to her. To kick her out like that. She didn't even use the drugs, she was putting them back. And now AJ was going to die. He was going to die without her.

Clementine feels as if she's been kicked in the gut at thought. Clasping a hand over her mouth and wrapping her arm around her stomach, she pauses.

Aj is going to die. And she won't be there to tell him it's okay. She's failed everyone.

Clementine squeezes her eyes shut, letting a few tears out before hastily wiping them away with the back of her hand. It was still dark, and she didn't want to be caught by surprise by whatever the fuck is lurking in the woods.

The airstrip Ava had told Clem about was a few minutes away now. Hopefully they will let her stay for a couple of days so she can figure out what the fuck she is going to do now that she's on her own.

Florida did sound like a good idea, but it was also very far. She's in Virginia right now she thinks, so getting to Florida on foot would be basically impossible. And she really doesn't think the airstrip would be completely comfortable with her taking one of their cars, if they even have any. There was that junkyard a couple miles away, that might have something if she's desperate.

As she thinks, she looks down at her dirty and worn boots. They were a couple sizes too big, but at least she had found a couple pairs of warm socks to make them fit more comfortably. Hopefully she grows into them in the next few months. Kenny said that she still has some growing to do, and she hope he's right. She doesn't like being short.

Finding herself lost in thought, she doesn't hear the snaps of twigs and the crunch of leaves under heavy boots coming her way. In fact, she doesn't notice anything until it's knocking her to the ground.

Out of nowhere, a figure is knocking Clementine off her feet and into the mud, wrestling to get her backpack full of food and water off of her.

It's a silent struggle. Neither wanted to alert any walkers out there, so they kept quiet.

Having been knocked to her side, Clementine struggles to get over the shock of the impact for a few moments. Once she does realize what's happening and that the random person is trying to steal her backpack, she rolls onto her stomach, trapping her arms under her chest.

The bandit tugs on the pack for a couple moments before realizing Clementine isn't willingly going to give up the bag, they twist her onto her back so they can try and get the straps off her shoulders.

Once she's been forced onto her back, Clementine gets a good look at her attacker. Looking up Clementine can see that it's a woman with a wild look in her eye and dried blood on her cheeks. Clementine doesn't want to think about who's blood that might've belonged to. Or what happened to them.

Repressing the fear that flows through her, Clementine manages to get her hands up and to the woman's face. Desperately clawing at skin and eyes. At anything to make this crazy woman let go of her.

Figuring the sound of the scuffle alone is enough to get the attention of the monsters in the woods, Clementines throws caution to the wind.

"Get the fuck off of me you bitch!" Clementine shouts. The sudden voice seems to make the woman freeze for a moment, but then Clementine realizes that her eyes aren't on Clem. Turning, Clementine manages to get a glimpse of a stone before the woman is grabbing it.

'Holy shit- she's going to kill me,' Clementine suddenly realizes as the rock is brought above the woman's head.

Before the rock can crack her head open, Clementine rolls to the side. The move is unexpected by the woman, as the rock just meets dirt, and as she falls off to the side and onto the ground.

Desperately, Clementine tries to get up and run, but the woman is already lunging for her. Having seen the knife being held in the waistband of her jeans, the woman grabs that without Clem's knowledge.

Suddenly, Clementine is on the ground again. A searing pain in the back of her right knee. She doesn't have much time to dwell on the fact that the back of her knee has been sliced open, seeing as she's again being forced onto her back and now trying to stop the knife from cutting the skin on her throat.

If the woman was smart, she would have just cut the straps on Clementines back and ran. But Clementine is pretty sure the woman has now forgotten about trying to take her backpack.

Thinking fast, Clementine gets a better grip on the woman's wrist. Instead of trying to push her away, she pulls her arm closer and to Clementines mouth. In a split second, Clementine is digging her teeth into the flesh of the woman's wrist.

Screaming in horror and pain, the woman drops the knife and tries to yank her arm away. Placing her hand on Clementines forehead to try and get her to unlatch her jaw.

The woman is able to get her arm away, but not without losing a chunk of her wrist to Clementines teeth.

Blood slides down Clementines chin as she pushed herself up. Spitting out skin, muscle, and blood, Clementine grabs her gun from her waist band. She waits until the woman is lunging at her again before she fires. The bullet blowing a hole in the skin under the woman's eye and she's on the muddy ground again.

Clementine picks her knife up again, sparing the dead woman one last glance before she's limping away. She can feel blood sliding down her face and down the back of her calf. Her skin is heavy with now dried mud, with some small scratches here and there from twigs and sharp rocks. She wants to pause and bandage herself up, but after the screaming and the gunshot, this area isn't safe anymore.

She doesn't know how long she walks. After the first five minutes Clementines brain switched to auto pilot as she stumbles through the woods, trying to avoid anything that moves. The pain was in the background now as she pushes on. She knew she needed help, but where was she going to find it?

Her foot catches on a rock and she's tumbling to the ground. Sharp pebbles dig into her palm as she tries to catch herself, and Clementine gives up.

Dropping to the ground, her cheek pressed into the dirt, Clementine lets out an impromptu cry.

Tears sliding over her nose and down the side of her face wash away any blood or dirt that stick like a second skin. She digs her fingers into the dirt and rocks, desperate for something to hold on to so she can remember she's still living.

Clementines ribs press into the harsh ground as she heaves. She wants to wake up.  She wants her mommy and daddy to wake her up from this horrifying nightmare where she's all alone. She wants her mommy and daddy to save her from all of this. From the pain and the loss and the loneliness. She wants to go home.

Painfully, she pushes herself to lay on her back. Looking up at the night sky through clouded vision. She doesn't care that her sobs aren't  quiet. What's the point of living if there's nothing or no one to live for. There's Prescott, but who's to say that they would even let her in?

AJ was all she had left. And now he was as good as dead. More tears roll down the sides of her face as she squeezes her eyes shut. Her throat hurt from crying so hard. Everything hurt. But she sat up.

There was no way she was going to die out here like this. Not after everything everyone has done for her. They would all be so disappointed in her if she just gave up. Just like she told Ava, she's going to survive.

Slowly, she gets back on her feet, a choked sob ripping past her lips as she puts a little too much pressure on her injured leg.

After taking a second to recoup,she sets off in search of Prescott once again.

She was tired. She was alone. She was hurt.

She was alive.

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