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Gabe struggles with the memory of having to kill his father and Javi comforts him. Another requested one shot by Nightlightmen on tumblr! I really miss Gabe rn that's all I can say. Sorry it's so short :( I hope you all enjoy though!

"Javi, you really need to go to bed, stop worrying about her," Kate says softly from the doorway to their room. She's been standing and frowning at him for a couple of minutes now, and finally has decided to get his attention.

Startled at her voice, Javi jumps. Tearing his gaze away from the silent walkie talkie, he looks at the woman who was ready for bed.

"Shit, sorry Kate, I didn't realize it was this late," He stands up, heading over to her.

Kate gives him a small smile, "Clementine is strong. She's going to find AJ and come right back to us. If not for you, she definitely wouldn't leave Gabe here all alone," Kate slightly nods towards the boys room. They both share a smirk before Javi is looking at his nephews closed door.

"How is he holding up? I mean, he did have to kill David," Javi deflates at the memory of how Gabe looked when Clementine came back with him.

Kate shakes her head slowly, "I don't know. He won't talk about it," Her lips curl down into a frown, "He only really talked to Clementine when he was sad, and now she's left. I can't imagine what he's thinking," Crossing her arms, Kate looks back at Javi who was still watching the closed door.

A few seconds of silence go by before Javi reaches out to Kate, "Hey, why don't you go lay down. I'll be in there in a second," He looks at her as his hand rests on her shoulder.

Kate doesn't stop frowning, but nods and steps closer to press a kiss to his lips before backing up into their room.

Once that door is shut, Javi sighs and starts walking over to Gabe's room.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, Javi slowly opens the door. Expecting to see Gabe sleeping, Javi is surprised when he sees the boy sitting up in his bed. Arms around his legs and his forehead against his knees. Javi could see his shoulders shaking and instantly recognizes the strangled sobs.

"Gabe, buddy what's wrong?" Javi is quick to close the door and step over to sit on the bed, an arm comfortingly wrapping around his back.

Gabe jumps in fear at his uncles sudden presence. He's unable to wipe away and hide his tears, especially since his face is definitely red and puffy at this point. Gabe doesn't look upset at his uncle suddenly walking into his room, if anything, Javi would say he looks relieved for a split second before it's hidden by a new wave of tears.

Using the sleeve of his shirt, Gabe tries to wipe his tears away as he takes a ragged breath. "It— it was my dad, he was so pissed at me," Gabe chokes, and Javi winces.

"It was just a bad dream Gabe," Javi fries, rubbing his arm up and down.

But Gabe just shakes his head, "No, before!" He looks up at Javi as he takes another shaky breath. "When we were in the truck. He...He was so upset with me for wanting to go back," Gabe takes a break to wipe his nose with the back of his sleeve.

"He thought I didn't want to stay with him, and when I tried to get him to stop, he got even angrier," Gabe starts to shake under Javis hold as he continues to remember.

"And then the...the walkers and he was bit, and told me to kill him. But there weren't any more bullets," Gabe's voice cracks as he cries harder. "He...He turned so fast, I didn't know what to do," Javi has to shut his eyes now, "I just grabbed the wrench and swung. And then he just fell," Gabe sobs harder. The dark bruise on his forehead throbbing painfully.

Javi tugs the kid closer, resting his chin ontop of Gabe's hatless head.

"He died hating me Javi. My last memories of my dad are of him hating me," Gabe cries, gripping onto Javis arm which wraps around the front of Gabe to hug him.

Shushing him for a few seconds, Javi shakes his head, "He could never hate you Gabe. You're his son. Sure he might've been upset, but not at you buddy," Javi pulls back and looks Gabe in the eyes, "He loved you Gabe. He has always loved you,"

More tears fill the teens eyes, "But I'm the one who killed him," his voice was quiet, as if Javi would then get upset if he heard that.

Again, Javi shakes his head. "You did what you had to do. Gabe, He is so proud of you. It takes a lot out of a someone to kill a person they loved for their own safety. And I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Javi watches new tears crash over red cheeks, "But your father will always be proud of you," Javi squeezes his nephews shoulders.

But the boy doesn't seem convinced. Gabe's eyes drop back to his lap as tears continue to fall.

"Did I ever tell you how David acted around you when you were born?" Javi asks. He gets the boys attention, and Gabe shakes his head. Javi slowly starts to smirk.

"Well, your and Marianas births were two things I was not late for. You being the little asshole you were decided to come out at two in the morning," Gabe smiles a little, "So we were all asleep until doctors and nurses were filling the room and shouting shit," Javi smiles at the chaotic memory.

"Your Mom had some troubles before you finally popped out naked, crying, and covered in shit," Javi gets a small nose laugh from that. "When David first held Mariana a couple years later, he tried to hide his tears and everything. But with you, dios, he was a wreck," Javi shakes his head dramatically.

"He was carrying you around, still naked mind you, and showing you off. 'Mira a mi hijo! Mira a mi hijo!' He was shoving your fat baby face into everyone's eyes while sobbing like he was the one who just came out of the womb," Javi laughs and Gabe's smile grows more genuine. "For years he showed you off like a first place gold medal at the olympics. But that's what you were you him. That's what you always have been and always will be, his gold medal. His son." Javi grin melts into a loving smile.

Gabe wipes away the rest of his tears, sniffling a little before he looks at Javi again, "Thank you, Javi." He says, eyes still sad and tired, but a genuine smile on his lips.

"Of course Gabe, I'm here for you," Javi ruffles his hair as he stand up. "If you're ever feeling down again, I have a lot more stories of David you would love to hear," Javi smirks as he heads to the door.

Gabe laughs a little again, "I'll definitely have to ask about those sometime," his eyes crinkle as his smile widens.

Javi places his hand on the doorknob and pulls it closed slightly, "Alright, now get some rest, I love you," Javi is hesitant to say the words, but know that he should.

He hears some shuffling as Gabe lays down, "I love you too Javi. Goodnight," his nephew calls.

"Night buddy," Javi says before shutting the door.

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