Prom Queen

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A prom sequel to "Party"!!!  It's prom season so I'm just super pumped about that currently lol! Also if you didn't know! Im writing a non apocalypse Gabentine fic! So go read that if you possibly want yet another prom chapter eventually;) Enjoy!

"Have you even spoken a word to Clem since the party?"  Drew asks Gabe over the pounding music in the hotel party area. Gabe pulls awkwardly at the hem of his suit as he looks across the crowded hall full of dancing teenagers. It was no secret who he was looking for.

When he can't catch a glimpse of the girl, Gabe frowns and sighs, turning back to his friends. "No. After the party I dropped her off at home and that was it," he shrugs, crossing his arms.

Marlon rolls his eyes before chugging the rest of his beverage, "I totally called it. I knew she was a bitch," he grunts. Gabe immediately glares and punches the guys shoulder.

"No, she's not. We've tried to talk, but her friends just won't let her, they're the bitches here," Gabe defends, watching as Duck and Becca chug their sodas to see who could finish theirs first. Sarah frowns at Gabe's words and steps closer to him so he can hear her over the music.

"I thought she said she was done with all her friends at the party?" She asks, pushing up her glasses with the back of her thumb.

At that, Gabe shrugs again. "I guess they weren't done with her. It's like she physically can't get rid of them," he starts to get uncomfortable with all the attention he was getting from his friends. "Guys, seriously I don't know Okay? It's her choice, and if she doesn't like me, she doesn't like me. God," Gabe pushes away from his group of friends, going to find somewhere quiet to calm down.

Gabe finds himself walking into the men's bathroom. He places his hands on the sink counter ago support himself while he glares at his tired reflection. The kiss in the car a couple weeks ago was still fresh in his mind, and he hated it.

Both he and Clem had thought that she would be able to pry herself away from the popular crowd. But nope. When they got back to school, it was as if nothing had changed, other than the fact that Clementine was officially single. At lunch, Gabe and Clem would lock eyes, and she would send him a silent apology. She had stopped wearing makeup and all the "cool" kid clothes, as if the rest of the crowd would finally reject her, but she was still insanely beautiful.

Gabe groans to himself and covers his face with his hands, but drops them back to the sink when he hears the door to the bathroom open. He doesn't look up, because who wants to make eye contact with someone who's about to piss.

"Gabe?" A female voice asks, and Gabe is whipping around.

"Clementine?! What— what are you doing in here?" He asks in shock, quickly scanning the stalls to make sure no other guys were in here.

Clementine does the same thing before turning to look at Gabe with a shy smile, "Looking for you actually. No one else is in here, right?" She lowers her voice a little as the bathroom door shuts behind her. When Gabe shakes his head 'no' she lets out a sigh of relief, and takes a couple steps forward to close the gap between the two.

Once she's close enough, she wraps her arms around his shoulders in a big hug. Since she's wearing heels, she doesn't have to stand on her toes as much as she would have to normally. As she burys her face in his neck she speaks, "God Gabe, I'm so fucking sorry," she sighs, squeezing her eyes shut.

Once Gabe gets over the shock, he wraps her arms around her waist to hold her close. He frowns a bit at her words, "What are you sorry for?" He asks softly.

Clementine pulls away from the hug a little, but her hands still rest on his shoulders while his rest on her hips. "I'm sorry for just fucking off on you. I thought that I'd be able to change everything after that night, but I was scared that if I started talking to you and hanging out with your friends, my old friends would start to harass and bully you guys. I didn't want to put any of you at risk," she shakes her head, looking away from him for a moment.

"Clementine, trust me, it's fine. I totally get it," Gabe comforts, getting Clementine to look back at him.

"God, she's so beautiful" Gabe thinks to himself as they share a smile.

Clementine goes to say something, but the music that had been muffled by the bathroom door suddenly cuts off, and is replaced by an overly enthusiastic teachers voice.

They both pause to try and decipher what it was saying, and pick out one clear word,


They make eye contact and Clementine takes a step back as Gabe moves his hands away from her hips. "They're announcing prom queen and should probably go," Gabe shrugs, "I heard you were probably going to win," he gives her a small smile.

Clementine doesn't return to smile, she seems concentrated on her thoughts. But she does nod. "Okay...Yeah, I'll see you later Gabriel," she meets his eyes before turning to walk out, stepping past some guy who stared at her in shock before looking at Gabe with a smug smirk. 

Gabe rolls his eyes at the guy and walks out of the bathroom as well, heading back to the dance floor to find his friends.

The teacher is naming off the nominees for prom queen, and Gabe can physically feel himself perk up when he hears Clementines name. He had made sure that he and all of his friends voted for her. She was definitely the most worthy out of the other girls that were nominated. Gabe finally meets up with his group of friends, who welcome him back with a pat on the shoulder.

"First off, prom King is...Luke Porter!" The administrator announces, and the room bursts into applause as the popular football player and artist makes his way to get crowned.

As the crowd parts, Gabe is able to find Clementine, who Luke pauses to share a quick hug with. They've always had a close family-like relationship, so it wasn't anything that made Gabe jealous.

Luke gets crowned, and the teacher goes on to slowly announce prom queen. He holds up the card, and Gabe can already see Clementines friends trying to get her "spotlight ready." Slowly, Clementine turns to lock eyes with Gabe. Her dark expression softens when she looks at him, and she doesn't even seem to hear her name once it's announced that she won. 

Clementine starts walking, but not where she's supposed to go. All eyes are on her as she walks through the crowd, pushing past people if she has to, just to get to Gabe. Once she's close enough, he speaks.

"Clem? What're you doing?" He asks cautiously, but Clementine doesn't give him an answer.

Instead, she walks up close to him and grabs his face to pull him down. Their lips meet and suddenly everyone fades away. Gabe's eyes fall shut as Clementine melts into the kiss. Wrapping his arms around her waist once more, Gabe pulls Clementine closer.

The rowdy crowd of teens burst into confused clapter, led by Gabe's friends of course. Most of the students couldn't see what was happening, so everyone was clapping and laughing blindly as the two kiss.

Eventually, Clementine pulls away and smiles at Gabe before turning to look at his friends.

"So, what're you guys doing for the after party?"

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