Familiar Faces

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Clementine is greeted by some unfriendly familiar faces. This is just something random I came up with and wanted to write before I forgot about it. Also its like 6 am and I havent slept yet soooo who knows how good this is. Enjoy!

Clementine and AJ have been back in New Richmond for a couple days now. They settled into an apartment next to Javis, and have been helping out around the city best they can. Well, Clementine helps out best she can, and AJ sits on her back and watches her gleefully. So its safe to say, the two have never been happier.

Today, Clem decided she wanted to spend some quality time with Gabe and Javi learning how to play baseball like Javi promised before she left to find AJ. After getting AJ dressed finally, she picked him up and made their way over to Javis apartment. However, Kate answered the door instead of one of the two boys she was looking for.

"Oh, hey Kate! Is Javi or Gabe around?" Clem asks, shifting AJ into a more comfortable position on her hip.

"No, they both just went to go interview some newcomers. They're down at the chapel." Kate informs her, reaching forward to tickle AJs cheeks. "If you want, I can watch AJ for the day? I've been wanting to get to know the little fella." Kate says with a smile. 

Clem hesitates for a moment. Shes rarely left AJs side since she got him back, seeing as she got incredibly nervous when he wasn't around, but she trusted Kate more than anyone, so she slowly handed AJ over. "I'll be back later goofball. Don't give Kate too much trouble." Clem says softly to the little boy, leaning over to give his cheek a kiss. "Bye Kate, see you!" Clem says, taking a few steps back before turning to make her way down the hallway to go outside.

It's a peaceful day, so Clementine enjoys her walk over to the chapel. When she rounds the corner, she watches the big oak door slowly shut, indicating the newcomers must have just been brought in. Wanting to be able to help if needed, Clem breaks into a jog so she doesn't miss anything. Once at the doors, she pushes her way inside to hear Javis voice.

"This is just a quick harmless interview to make sure you guys aren't any danger to the community. We do it to everyone who comes in so no need to be nervous." Javi states to the three figures.

"Это ерунда!"  One spits out, and the others shush him.

"Shush now. Sorry about him, he's got a temper." The female says with a southern accent.

Instantly, at the two voices, Clementines blood runs cold. She freezes in her steps as she focuses on the three standing figures from behind. From beside Javi, she catches Gabes attention, who then waves at her.

"Hey Clem!" He calls out with a grin. The three pause at the familiar nickname and slowly turn to see who the kid was calling out to. But they only see a blur of movement before the youngest is getting tackled to the floor.

"You fucking asshole!" Clementine yells out as she pins Arvos arms to the floor with her knees. Her pistole already out and pressed to the boy's temple. Mike and Bonnie take a few shocked steps back at the chaos. Both unable to believe that this was the girl they last saw bleeding out on the snow all those years ago.

Clementine can clearly see the permanent scars Kenny left Arvo now. His nose was crooked and his glasses looked barely usable seeing as most of the glass was shattered and they were being held together with tape. Once the boy gets over the initial shock of being tackled by someone he thought was dead, he manages a glare. "Hello again, Clementine." He spits out.

Something in Clementine snaps and she drops the gun, giving Arvo a moment to be confused before a small fist is slamming into his right cheek, then into his left. Similar to a scene on a dairy farm years ago.

The three other adults in the room watching in shock as Clementine finally lets out all her anger on the boy who hurt her so long ago. Eventually, Javi gets ahold of himself and lifts the teen off of Arvo. Though, once she's off of the boy, she tries to leap at the older man, Mike.

"You fucking traitor! You were going to leave me to die!" The girl screams out, trying to get out of Javis grip so she can get some payback finally.

"Clem, we...we didn't mean for that to happen." Bonnie softly pipes up, trying to calm the young girl down. Clementine turns to the woman with a glare that makes her take a step back. This definitely wasn't the same girl they left bleeding out on the snow all those years ago.

"But it fucking did." She spits out, pulling herself out of Javis grip finally.

"After Luke died and Kenny-"

"Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare talk about Luke or Kenny. Luke is dead because of you. If you hadn't made me try to save him, he would still be here." Clementine didn't blame Bonnie for Lukes death. If anyone's fault, its Clementines for listening to the older girl. But right now, she's not thinking that way. "And every-fucking-thing Kenny did was to protect me and AJ. To protect an eleven year old and a fucking baby. And what did you two do huh?" She turns to glare at Mike. "You two decided to leave with everything we had. All because you were scared. You decided to leave a baby with nothing." She hisses.

"Now, Clem please-"

"And then you let him fucking shoot me! I was eleven! Fucking eleven!" Clementine shouts again. Gabe and Javi share a shocked glance at each other. Both surprised at Clementine's sudden outburst and at the story she's telling. 

Javi hesitantly steps forward, putting a calming hand on the fuming teens shoulder. He looks between the two adults with a raised brow. "Is this all true?" He asks.

"Yeah. It is." Mike says through gritted teeth. There's no way they're going to get in with Clementine here. "But it was stupid. We knew we shouldn't have done it." He said in afterthought.

"But you did do it. You cant go back on that now." Gabe says, crossing his arms as he glares at the three. Already having decided that he didn't like them.

"Guess we'll be leaving then," Bonnie says as Arvo shakily stands up.

"No. You guys can stay. Unlike you, we don't leave people to die." Clementine says with a hard glare. "Just know that if any of you slip up, I'll be the first to know." Clementine harshly adds, holstering her pistol again.

Again, Javi's face turns to shock at that. After what they did, Clementine was just going to let them stay?

"And another rule, never come within twenty feet of AJ." She bitterly says as she crosses her arms. Bonnie gasps and brings a hand up to her chest in shock.

"Alvin's alive?" She asks softly. Clementines gaze softens just slightly for a moment before hardening again. 

"Yeah. Yeah, he is. But you're not allowed to see him." She states, turning to glance at Gabe before taking his hand. "Cmon, were leaving." She says before they both make their way outside again, Gabe willingly following behind his close friend.

"Well. Welcome to New Richmond." Javi says, sending the three a glare himself before moving to find someone who can help the three settle in.

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