Dance with me

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Takes place during the three day time skip. Clementine and Gabe just being teenagers having a fun time! This kinda sucks, but I'm trying to get used to writing as much as I can! 

Its been two days of nonstop work for everyone. Work ranging from helping people with injuries, to cleaning the blood of the dead off of the streets. Clementine has stuck close to Gabe in the days since he lost his father since she knows the feeling of losing a parent or two. Clearly, she never brings it up, but she lets him know that she's here if he needs a shoulder to cry on. Thankfully, he seems to be doing considerably well. He still makes jokes and occasionally finds the time to flirt with her a bit, which Clementine cant complain about.

The two got done with their jobs at the same time today, so they headed back to the apartment together, making fun of one of the soldiers that Gabe claimed looked like an actual potato. 

"No really! Have you ever seen an unwashed and uncooked potato? If you gave one a face, it would look exactly like John! I swear!" Gabe insists as Clementine shoves him, laughing too hard to respond for a moment. 

"Gabe...Gabe stop, I can't breath." Clementine grips his shoulder with one hand, and her stomach with the other as she laughs. 

"Tomorrow I'm going to ask Clint for a raw potato and you'll see." Gabe grins at the younger girl who laughs even harder before continuing on their walk. "Wait Clem shh here he comes," Gabe says suddenly as the man they were making fun of rounds the corner. Clem clasps her hand over her mouth, trying to keep her laughter in as the man passes them. Once he's out of sight, Clementine bursts back into laughter.

"Oh my fucking god, Gabe he totally does. That's incredible." She grins, wiping some tears from her eyes before pushing open the doors to the apartment building, Gabe then closes it behind them once their inside. The two walk next to each other on the stairs going up to their floor. 

"Is Javi back yet?" Clementine asks, a playful smile still on her lips as they walk down the hallway.

"I don't think so, he's still working with the others to restore order and stuff," Gabe explains, pushing open the door to the apartment. As they expected, its empty. Clementine shuts the door and moves to drop her gun on the counter before taking a seat in one of the tall chairs, swinging her feet as she watches Gabe pull out two cans of fruit.

"So, do you want to continue to teach me how to read?" Clementine asks as she reaches for the can Gabe was holding out for her. When the Garcias learned Clementine only had the education of a first grader, they immediately insisted on teaching the girl how to read. Well, Clementine knows how to read, it's just hard and confusing. She can read signs and some maps, but books were a lost cause unless they were like Dr. Suess books. Gabe and she have been making slow progress through the Percy Jackson book series when they had free time, and it was nice. 

"Maybe later, I have something else I want to do." Gabe shrugs, opening his can with a can opener before handing the said item to Clem so she could open her own. 

"Oh? And whats that?" Clem asks, raising a brow, watching Gabe spoon some fruit into his mouth while moving across the apartment. She can't be bothered to grab a spoon, so instead, she brings the can carefully to her lips and pours as much fruit into her mouth as she can before actually starting to chew. Its ungraceful and her cheeks puff out in an awkward manner, but she doesn't feel embarrassed about it. It just feels natural to her to eat like that nowadays. To put as much food in your mouth before it's suddenly ripped out of your hands and you're left starving. She shakes herself out of her thoughts as Gabe starts to play with something in the corner of the room.

"You'll see. It'll be fun though, I can tell you that." Gabe explains, shooting her a smile that makes her stomach do flips. She swallows the fruit and rolls her eyes at him as he starts to shift through some thin squares. "See anything you like?" He asks, beckoning her over with a wave of his hand. She hops off the chair, leaving her can behind to look over the squares in curiosity before shrugging.

"Nothing looks familiar." She says and Gabe nods.

"Let's just pick something random then." He suggests and she agrees. Clem watches Gabe close his eyes and then reach down into the box that held all the squares, picking one up after a moment. "Alrighty then, let's listen!" He smiles, and Clementine raises a brow. How could they listen to this cardboard square? That didn't seem like fun. But Gabe reaches into the cardboard to slowly pull out a black circle with grooves around it and a hole in the middle. He seems to see her confusion and explains. "It's a vinyl. You can listen to music on it by using this thing. Its kinda hard to explain, so uh, just watch."

Clem watches Gabe place the vinyl onto the box thing he was playing with earlier. He then plays with it again for a few seconds, lowering this arm with a needle attached to it, placing that on the circle. Slowly, music starts to fill the room to Clementine's amazement.

"Woah, that's so cool!" Clementine grinned, stepping forward to look at it closer.

"I know right. My Yaya used to have one, me and Marianna would always listen to some dumb old songs and dance together when we were kids. Dad used to love it." His smile fades a bit at the memory, his gaze lowering to the hand he must have used to bash his fathers head in when he turned. Cautiously, Clementine took that hand in his own. Their eyes meet and she gives him a soft smile. Suddenly Gabe squeezes her hand before taking the other as well. "Hey, dance with me," He says passionately.

Clementine raises a brow at his suddenness and laughs a bit. "I...I don't know how to dance Gabe." And Gabe just rolls his eyes at her excuse.

"No one really knows how to dance. You just have fun with it. C'mon, let's just forget about this world for a bit." He pleads, bringing her hands up while giving her the puppy dog eyes. Clementine hesitates, looking between his hands and his eyes before sighing.

"Fine, but don't get upset when I step on your toes." She teases, making Gabe grin.

"Okay, help me clear the space," Gabe says, letting go of her hands to start to push the couch against the wall. In no time, the entire living room is clear and Gabe is changing the record to something that's easier for the pair to dance to. "Yaya put me and Mari into a dance class when we were younger for Kate and Dads wedding. The dance we learned is now permanently burned into my brain." Gabe jokes, waiting for the song to start before turning to Clementine.

"Okay, so you put your hand here, and I put my hand here, and we move our feet in like a square kind of motion." Gabe tries to explain as he guides Clementine's hand to his shoulder, while his goes to her waist. At first, the pair genuinely tries to teach and learn the dance, but at one point, Clementine tries to dip Gabe, and all sense of purpose goes out the window. 

The two lock hands and start to do some form of the tango around the apartment, even though their steps don't match the music playing at all. Gabe takes his turn spinning and dipping Clementine, and Clementine takes her turn spinning and trying to dip Gabe. They were unable to keep their laughter to themselves, especially when Clementine dropped the slightly older boy. She pulls him up by his hands, and then their spinning in circles. They change the record to a more rock and roll type song, and things proceed to get out of hand. They start to jump on the couch and just jump around the room, singing along to lyrics that they don't know. Gabe serenades Clementine with his fruit spoon while Clementine rocks out on an air guitar. 

Eventually, the two tired themselves out, and their dance time comes to an end with Clementine laying on the counter and Gabe laying on the floor. Both panting and sweaty as the music continues to play.

"Thanks, Clem," Gabe speaks up after a few minutes. Clementine slowly rolls over to look down at the boy with a smile.

"You're the one who said we should dance," She points out, resting her chin on the counter.

"I mean, thanks for being here for me. You're a great friend." He says, turning his head to look up at her with that damn smile. Clementine reaches a hand down towards him, and he lazily takes it.

"Anytime, dork."

The walking dead One-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें