Merry Christmas

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Lee and Clementine spend a Christmas together! Sorry it's short, I shamelessly spent all day playing the game for the first time on my own so it's late! But this really made me miss Christmas lol! Thanks for the request mettatonlover858!!

Lee can't say he wasn't expecting to feel Clementine hopping on his bed trying to wake him up at 7am, he just wished she would've let him sleep for at least another thirty minutes. But, it is Christmas morning, so he can't really blame the girl.

"Lee...get up!!" Clementine groans, placing her hands on his shoulders so she could rock him back and forth, trying to get him to open his eyes finally. Lee does roll onto his side, but instead of opening his eyes, he snatches the girl into his arms, holding her close as she starts to laugh and try to push him away.

"C'mon...just five more minutes Clem," Lee asks, resting his chin on top of her head as she giggles, still trying to push him away.

"Lee! We have to open our presents! Let go!" The girl squeals, and eventually Lee gives in and let's her go, opening his eyes to smile down at her.

"Alright...okay lets go. I'll meet you down there." He ruffles her hair before she's off his bed and running downstairs to where the tree and her presents sit. Lee's obviously much slower than her at getting out of bed. Before he goes downstairs, he trades his night shirt for a cozy Christmas sweater to keep himself warm. And finally he's on his way downstairs.

Clementine is already sitting at the tree, shaking a box that has her name on it. She sets it down when she notices Lee finally coming down. She picks up a small box and runs over to the adult, holding it out to him with a small smile.

"This ones for you Lee," She says, and Lee takes it from her hands, a smile instantly on his lips when he reads his name that's written in a child's handwriting.

"Hmm, I wonder who got me this," he says, sending the girl who just shrugs, a sneaky smile. "Okay, go pick out one to open first, so we can open them at the same time," Lee explains, sitting down on the couch with his present in hand.

The girl immediately picks out a smaller gift as well, which Lee recognizes as a gift from Carley. "Ready?" The girl asks as she sits cross legged on the floor, and Lee nods.

"Ready." Is all he has to say before Clementine is ripping carefully into her first present. Lee carefully unwraps his own present as well, raising a brow when he sees a plain box. He glanced down, looking at the child who was already watching him expectantly. He sets the wrapping paper aside before he opens the box, eyebrows immediately raising in surprise when he sees the clearly expensive watch inside.

"Clem, did you really buy this for me?" Lee asks in shock, and the girl shrugs again.

"Kinda, I saved up a lot of my allowance, but I still didn't have enough, so Carley helped with the you like it?" The girl asks, setting her half opened present down in her lap.

"I love it sweet's perfect," Lee says, still pretty shocked that she used all her allowance money on a present for him. Pride fills his body as he leans down to give the girl a tight hug. "Now, you get to open the rest of your presents." Lee smiles as he sits back in the couch, already starting to put the watch on.

Clem and Lee open presents for another thirty minutes before Lee starts some breakfast while Clementine plays with her new toys. They eat a nice breakfast of waffles and apple juice, and talk about what the rest of their day consists of. Katjaa, Kenny, and Duck are out of town, so they can't visit them until they get back. And they were already going to Lees parents house for dinner, so they have the afternoon to themselves.

"Can we play outside in the snow?" Clementine asks swinging her legs as Lee washes their dishes. Lee paused and looks up and out the window as he thinks.

"Well...the snow is pretty cold Clem?" He shrugs, he's personally never been a big fan of snow so he wasn't really looking forward to going outside.

"Duh...everyone knows it's cold. But it's fun!" Clem persists, leaning forward in her seat at the counter. Lee stays quiet for a few moments, and he could just feel her using sad eyes on him.

"...sure...go get dressed extra warm. Cause I'm not going to deal with a sick child!" He has to shout the last part, since as soon as he agreed Clementine was running upstairs to get dressed. Lee groans to himself and trudges up the stairs to put on as many layers as possible.

It's a little dramatic, but lee doesn't want to end up with a cold. So he by the time he's ready to go outside, he's sweating. He makes sure Clementine has a hat and gloves on before the pair slide open the back door and head outside. Clementine runs through the snow, giggling happily. And Lee just stands on the deck with his face buried deep into his scarf.

Lee gets a message after a few minutes, so he pulls out his phone to respond. He accidentally gets a little too engrossed in his phone, much to Clementines annoyance. So she decides to get his attention back on her. Clementine gathers up a good amount of snow in her hands and rolls into a ball. She waits for a few moments, seeing if he'll look up on his own, but he doesn't. So she aims, and throws the snow ball at his head.

Lee jumps in shock at the sudden coldness colliding with his face, and he's upset for about .5 seconds until he hears Clementines delighted laughter.

"You little...I'm gonna get you Clementine!" Lee calls out, tucking his phone away in his pocket before running out into the yard to collect some snow in his own hands, throwing snowballs at the girl, who just throws them right back.

They do that for quite some time, before the pause to build a snowman. They go inside to find a carrot for the nose, but instead find themselves back in their pajamas and sitting on the couch watching a Christmas movie with hot chocolate warming up their cold hands.

"Merry Christmas Lee," Clementine says from where she's nuzzled into his side.

"Merry Christmas Clem," Lee responds, gently rubbing the girls shoulder as he smiles down at her.

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