Chapter 22 (Part 2)

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Logan opened his phone to once again read the message Daniel sent him. He was too busy trying to get rid of Derek to think about it's implications. Daniel wanted to meet at the park, a very public place. Logan knew what it meant. There was a very real chance that he would be recognized and the conversation he needed to have with Daniel would not be mistaken for anything but what it was. He sighed internally. Was Daniel worth it? Fuck yes he was ! Logan quickened his step his lips forming an incredible grin. Whether Daniel liked it or not he was Logan's and no way in hell was he letting him go again.

Daniel's sat on his bed after he messaged Logan wondering if he did the right thing. He knew Logan would see the message for what it was. He held down his face in his hands as he wondered if he wasn't forcing Logan to come out. Daniel knew more than anyone's how important timing was when coming out and here he was forcing it on someone. They both would be out to the public if this went the way he knew it would. Whether it was right or not he had to follow through. As he left his room getting ready to leave , he was stopped by Corbyn.
"Derek called a meeting. He said he had something important to telling us."

"You know what it is?",Daniel's asked a little wary.

"Naw but he looked kinda off when he came in."

Daniel followed Corbyn into the living room where all the other boys were already seated. He was stopped momentarily by the look on Derek's face as he stared at him. He couldn't figure out if it was derision or affection. He sat down and looked on expectantly but the silence only went on as Derek remained quiet.

"So why are we here exactly?" Leave it to Jacksonville to get the ball rolling.
Derek took a deep breath before sayings, "I'm just going's to cut to the chase. I'm ....resigning as band manager."

The silence that followed his announcement was deafening. Daniel looked around the room to see if anyone was as shocked as he was. The fact that Zach's jaw was hitting his chests was a good indication that he was.

"Why!" Again Jack voiced what was on everyone's mind.

"A conflict of interest popped up.", Derek said while looking right at Daniel. All the heads in the room swung his way and he cringed under the attention. In a defensive fit he yelled, "why are you looking at me!" Derek only smiled and asked in his annoying voice, "Don't your have somewhere to be?"

Fuck! Derek leaving obviously had something to do with Logan. He immediately turned and left the room ignoring the calls of his name behind him.

Logan sat in a secluded part of the park trying not to pass out from anxiety. He was freaking out as Daniel was late and he had no idea if he was still coming. On top of that persons in the park had already started eyeing him and he knew pretty soon there was going to be a crowd around him. As he checked the surrounding for the millionth time his breath caught as he saw Daniel walking towards him. He had forgotten how fucking beautiful his boy was. Daniel was in a form fitting black t-shirt and skinny jeans that showed off his compact body wonderfully. Logan felt his dick plump and scowled down at his lap telling it this wasn't the time.

"Hi", Daniel said as he approached Logan. Logan noticed how he shifted uncomfortably waiting for his response. Logan wanted nothing more than to gather him in his arms but settled for a hey back. Daniel sat down on the bench as far away as it allowed him to.

"What did you do to Derek?"
Wow! Not what what Logan was expecting to talk about first.

"Don't you think we have something more important to talk about?"

"I want to know what you did to make Derek quit", Daniel's responded tersely.

Logan scowled as his irritation flared. "What do you care? You know what an asshole he is you should be fucking happy he left!"

Daniel glared at him as he shouted, " I want to know what you did!" His yell catching the attention of the group gathered next to them.

Logan took a deep breath trying to calm himself. Yes is was too important to get caught up in irrelevant things. "I told him I was going to tell people that he molested a guy from the last boy band he managed."

Daniel's eyes grew rounded as his mouth opened with shock. "Wh-what?" "H-how do you kn-know that?"

"I got in contact with the kid and he told me everything. Daniel, I love you , and no way in hell was I going to allow him to do -" Logan grunted as Daniel flung himself into his arms. He was aware of pictures being taken but all he wanted to do was savor the feeling of Daniel in his arms. He whispered in his ears trying to soothe the shivers running through his body. Logan understood how frightening it was to think about what could have happened to him. "Shhh it's ok"

Daniel looked up at him and even if he wanted to Logan couldn't stop himself from capturing Daniel's lips with his own.

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