Chapter 10

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Daniel made sure to sit between Zach and Corbyn on the couch. He had no desire to be near Jack and it would look weird if he waited just to sit next to Logan. Logan, Daniel had seen him wink at Jack and he could guess what it was for. He's lucky he only got an elbow! He had to admit though, the possessive side of Logan made him hard. It took everything he had to pull away from their hot make out session against the bathroom door.

"Hey Daniel, are those hickeys on your neck? "

Daniel's hand came up quickly to hide the marks on his neck as he heard Corbyn's question. how the fuck was he gonna answer that!

" Oh! Daniel had a weird reaction to my bird! I told him to stop cuddling Maverick and look what it did, it gave him a rash. "

Daniel glared at Logan as laughter filled the room. Couldn't he have come up with a better explanation. Damn him! Daniel did notice that Jack and Derek didn't seem to find what Logan said funny. Derek rolled his eyes and Jack just looked like he wanted to hit something, or somebody.  Daniel knew he had to talk to him and explain that nothing could happen between them and he was not looking forward to that conversation. How could he have chosen Jack when just a touch of Logan's fingers set his skin a fire? He had been pining for Logan so long now that he was still having trouble thinking of him as his boyfriend. That's who he was, Daniel's boyfriend and although nobody could find out it didn't make it any less true or real.

"So Logan are the things in place for the music video shoot. You've been spending quite some time with our Daniel here you two must have been doing something productive. "

Daniel rolled his eyes as Derek's taunting words pulled him from his thoughts. He looked over at Logan and he looked as if he was a second from attacking Derek.

" Yes we did! ", Daniel answered, before Logan did something stupid.

" Oh you did, so can we have a set date for the shoot? "

" Yea! ", Jonah agreed. I want to film the video so we can get the song out already.

" Don't get your panties in a twist boys, the shoot can happen in the next two days. See Derek you can stop acting as if you're on your period. "

Daniel snickered at Logan's joke. His heart warmed at the thought that Logan was being this petty with Derek for him.
The meeting finished with them agreeing on dates for interviews as well as press releases. Daniel was about to get up when Logan came up to him.

" Hey Daniel, Can I talk to you for a sec, I need to confirm something with you. To make sure I haven't forgotten anything. "

Daniel was confused as he followed Logan into a private part of the house. He was about to ask what was up when Logan slammed him into the wall. Damn! he loved when he did that!
" I had to sit in that meeting and watch you while not being able to touch you ", Logan whispered in his ear. " I can't stop, I need to touch you "

Daniel moaned as Logan's lips captured his. He felt his body harden as his lips were licked and nibbled. He opened his mouth just in time for Logan's tongue to enter. Their tongues stroked each other and Daniel felt as if he was gonna combust. Logan grabbed his ass and ground against him and Daniel whimpered at the feeling. He needed more! So much more.

"Eh em "!

The sound of a throat clearing was like cold water doused on Daniel. He whipped out of Logan's arms to see Jack glaring at them before he turned and walked away.

" Shit!",  Daniel cursed.

"What? Atleast now he knows you're off limits."

Daniel looked at Logan as if he was crazy. He must be crazy! He didn't bother replying, he just shook his head and stalked off in the direction Jack went. Logan was calling him back but he needed to talk to Jack. He found him in his room in the middle of throwing his things across the floor.

"Jack!", he shouted trying to get his attention.

Jack looked at him then and Daniel froze at the betrayal in his eyes. He rushed at him intending to comfort him but Jack sprang away .

"Don't touch me! ", he yelled." I don't want you touching me after that motherfucker put his hands on you. I told you! I told you I saw you first, that I wanted you first and you chose him! You chose him! "

Daniel felt his heart crack at the pain in Jack's voice. He never meant for this to happen.

" Jack", he choked out. "I didn't mean to hurt you but Logan. He's... I really like him. I love you, but not that way. Am sorry."

"You're lying! you do like me that way! I remember the way you used to look at me. I fucking heard you jerking off and crying my name as you came! Don't lie to me! "

Daniel didn't know how he could feel embarrassed in this situation, but he did. He felt his face heat up at Jack's words. He can't beloved he'd heard him saying his name when he came. How fucking humiliating.

" I-I did l-like you but not anymore Jack am sorry. I'm with Logan. "

Daniel saw Jack's eyes shutter and face turned cold and was frightened at what it could mean. Jack just walked out of the room bumping into him as he passed. He turned just in time to see Brendan furiously asking him what's wrong. Daniel walked into his room, ignoring Logan's stare as he passed by . He couldn't be near him right now. He shut the door behind him and slid against it to floor. He couldn't believe he'd hurt Jack like that. The knock at his door was unwelcome but he got up and opened it, thinking it was one of the boys. It wasn't!
Derek pushed his way into the room and stared at Daniel as of he was something disgusting.

"What's going on with you and Logan?"

Daniel gasped at the question. "N-Nothing"

"Don't lie to me you little fag! ", Derek whispered threateningly. " Tell me the truth! "

"N-Nothing, I s-swear!"

Derek glared at him until he grabbed Daniel's wrist and tugged him into his chest.

"Nothing, better be going on! "

Daniel watched as he left the room, after releasing him, and hurriedly locked the door behind him. He felt the tears on his face before he even knew he was crying. How could one day go from fucking amazing to fucking terrible in one go.

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