Chapter 4

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Logan gulped down his bottle of water thirstily. He had woken up early and gone to the gym. Maybe he had pushed himself a little too hard but he had alot on his mind and had wanted to forget for a little while.

He went and flopped down onto his couch, heedless of the fact that he hadn't showered yet and was extremely sweaty. He doubt he could stand in the shower without falling if he went into the bathroom. He sighed dejectedly realising he was feeling a bit lonely in addition to being tired.

When was the last time he went on date? And that was the problem right there. Logan hadn't been on a date in about four months and he hadn't had sex in about two . No wonder his mind was so messed up. He decided then and there that he was gonna find the prettiest girl, charm her and then bang the shit out of her. A vision of Daniel sliced through his mind then and he groaned loudly. Who was he kidding, he couldn't focus on anyone else while that kid was taking up residence in his head. Fuck my life!

Logan's phone lit up, signalling an incoming face time call- it was his brother Jake.

"Hey bro what's up! ",  Logan grinned greeting him loudly.

" I got an invite to this party later and I want you to come with me. "

Logan frowned then narrowed his eyes at the phone. Jake never invited him out, he always partied with his Team 10 family.

" Why are you inviting me, where's Chance and Anthony? " Logan asked referring to Jake's two best friends.

" Do I need a reason to hang out with my brother! ", Jake replied.

Logan stared at him watching for Jane's lying tell to show up. He knew his brother. He almost believed him until he saw it- the neck scratch.  Jake's one lying tell.

" Come on bro,  I know you're lying why are you really inviting me out. "

" Ok Ok,  I talked to George and Mark and even Brendon. They all say you barely leave the house. Some thing's off with you and I want to know what's wrong. "

Logan glared at him annoyed they were talking about him behind his back.

" I am fine, I am tired of telling everyone that! "

His phone started ringing then showing an incoming call from the Why Don't We boys' manager, Derek.

" Look Bro I have to go." He ended the call with Jake without an explanation, he'd talk to him later.

"Hello? ", he answered the incoming call.

" Hey Logan ", Derek greeted him.

" Hey man, what's up? "

" So the boy's and I were talking and they decided they want the song and the music video out the same day. We want the song out as soon as possible and I know this is short notice but we're gonna need you to start planning the video like yesterday. "

Logan frowned at the phone. He couldn't believe they were springing this on him now, he couldn't work on such short notice.

" Look man... "

" You can choose one of the boys to work with you if you want to make things easier ", Derek cut Logan off offering him something he both wanted to reject and grab at the same time.

Logan knew he should probably tell them he can't do it. Working with one of the boys would make things easier but he knew who he was gonna choose and he knew it would be a collosal mistake.

"Ok Derek I'll think about it, hit me up tommorow bro. "

Logan ended the call and slumped further into the couch wishing he could take a break from his life.
His mind was going crazy, there was a constant sideshow of him spending time alone with Daniel.

His mind wanted it and judging by the tent forming in his shorts his dick liked it too. Logan sighed and took up his phone. Who was he kidding that kid was like a drug.


"So I'm gonna need you to come scouting for video locations with me tomorrow. "

Daniel could feel his heart pounding, he was gonna start struggling to breathe any second. The call from Logan was so unexpected. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the name pop up on his iPhone screen. If that wasn't bad enough Logan was telling him they were going to be spending the day tommorow, Alone!

"Hey Daniel you still there........ Look of you don't want to do it I can ask - "

" No!, I'm still here I want to meet you tommorow , I mean yea I'll meet you tomorrow. "

" Great! Logan shouted happily. "Don't worry we'll have Mexican food at some point tomorrow, so you enjoy part of the day."

Daniel's heart melted at that, how did Logan know that was his favorite.

"Ok Logan, I'll see you tomorrow, bye."

"Ok bye Bro. "

Daniel flopped back onto his bed. How was he going to survive being alone with Logan tommorow. He already had a hard time being around him when the boys were there. Imagine all of Logan's attention focused on him!

Heat flashed through Daniel at that thought as his mind went somewhere else. He moved his hand under his shirt, gently rubbing his stomach wondering what it would feel like to have Logan running his hand on him.

Daniel could feel his dick thickening. He closed his eyes and thought about Logan's huge body pressing him down into the mattress. He could feel his lips skimming down his neck, his hand under the waist band of his shorts.

Daniel took off his shorts and started stroking himself. He couldn't resist it, this was making him too damn hard. He could still feel Logan's lips moving insistently down his body. He reached his stomach and still moved down. Daniel flinched as he imagined Logan biting him in that space between his leg and his crotch.

He busted at that thought. Daniel jerked as he milked his orgasm.

Once he had settled down he threw his arm over his eyes. He couldn't believe he did that it was only going to make tommorow worse. Fuck my life!

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