Chapter 7

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It was two in the afternoon and Daniel hadn't left his room except to use the bathroom twice. He was laying in bed completely under the covers hoping to block everything that had happened yesterday from his mind. He barely slept last night because of the constant loop of Logan and Jack running in his brain. He was hard the entire night too. Everytime he'd thing he had it under control, he'd remember how Logan's lips looked getting closer to his, or the feel of Jack's lips on his neck.

Jack! Daniel couldn't believe that Jack was into guys nevermind the fact that he was into him. He thought back to the all the time they spent together and wondered how he missed all the signs. Even now he can't remember a time when Jack showed any interest in him; he was always into some girl or another. Daniel knew it wasn't possible to turn a straight guy gay, but he couldn't help fantasising that Jack saw him and couldn't help but be attracted to him. He let out a dry laugh at the thought. His ex would have gotten a kick out of it. Daniel wondered what he'd say if he could see him now, having two guys to choose from. Daniel laughed again, strongly this time, imagining his exes shocked face.

Daniel had met Kieran randomly at a mall one day way before he joined Why Don't We. He'd been walking and writing song lyrics in his head for some new music he was trying to do. Not paying attention, he walked directly into some guy. Turns out the guy was the most charming guy on the planet and seemed to know Daniel was gay. Daniel had thought Kieran was one of the cutest guys he'd ever seen. He was tall, taller than Daniel, and had blond hair that he kept shoulder length. His eyes were coral green and he had the pinkest lips. Daniel and he had hung out that day and ended up exchanging numbers. They continued to talk until they eventually started dating. Things were going good until of course Kieran turned into....... Daniel shook his head not wanting to go down that road. He was done with that life.

"Hey Daniel you in there? "

Daniel sat up at the unmistakable voice of Jack calling through his door.

" Daniel! ", he continued to yell.

" I'm fine! ", Daniel shouted back hoping Jack would go away but he had no such luck.

" Open the door please ", Jack replied.

" I said I'm fine. "

" And I said open the door. "

Daniel sighed and got up out of bed to opened the door. He opened it to see Jack looking worriedly at him. He guessed he shouldn't have spent all that time in his room. Jack pushed passed him and went to sit in his bed.

" Soooo you've seen that I'm fine..... " Daniel to him, hoping he'd leave.

" Daniel am sorry about yesterday. I know I dropped kind of a bomb on you but I couldn't help it. I don't want to lose you to Logan, I saw you first. "

Daniel just stared as Jack made his declaration. His heart rate had picked up as soon as he mentioned yesterday and he struggled to come up with a reply. He was so deep in thought he hadn't noticed Jack had gotten closer to him until he felt the hands in his waist. Jack was standing so close behind him that he could feel his breath on the back of his neck.

"W-what are y-you doing? ", Daniel shakily asked.

Jack didn't immediately respond except to push himself more firmly again Daniel 's back.

" Damn I've wanted to do this forever", he finally replied, whispering into Daniel's ear . "You have been torturing me for so long, those eyes, those lips...."

Daniel swallowed hard at Jack's words and feel of him against his back . He knew he should've been melting at  the feeling of Jack against him but he barely felt a fraction of what he normally felt whenever Logan even barely touched him. Well I guess that answers that question!

Jack turned Daniel to face him and backed him against the wall, prisoning him against it. He saw Jack staring at his lips and knew what was about to come and knew he couldn't let it happen. He didn't want it to happen. As Jack started leaning in and Daniel raised his hands preparing to deflect him, they heard the voice.

"I knew you guys had something going on "

Daniel turned to see their manager looking disgusted and his stomach cramped, this was what he was afraid of.

" You mean to tell me, Derek shouted, that you two are queer! Do you have any idea how bad this could cripple your career! Most of your fans are girls for God- sakes! "

Daniel backed as far away from Jack as he could, refusing to look at him, ashamed and humiliated at everything Derek had just said.

Seemed Derek was not finished either, as he continued to shout.

" You both better stop this shit right now and make sure none of the other boys find out", as he stalked out of the room angrily.

Daniel looked at the door Derek just walked through and felt as though he was breaking. He needed to get out of the house and he knew where he wanted to go; who he wanted to see. He hurried out of the room before Jack could say anything to him, desperately hoping onto the tears that were threatening to fall.


Logan walked to the gym listlessly. He barely made out of the apartment he'd spent the entire day in. If his friends could see him now. Heartbroken over somebody he never even dated. Somebody who wasn't even a girl. He sighed for the hundreth time as he arrived and got onto the treadmill. He vaguely recalled that he hadn't started vlogging yet and figured he needed to get some content. He really wasn't in the mood to vlog anything and proceeded to exercise really hard in a attempt to forget his problems.

When he finds decided he'd had enough, his whole body ached. He got to his apartment and stared at his phone, wanting to call Daniel and just hear his voice. Fuck it! He was gonna call. The phone rang and rang but went to voicemail each time. Logan cursed as it ended the call. He couldn't believe he'd lost his chance at..... Daniel. He went to the shower, turning the shower to the hottest temperature it could be and stood under it. Wishing the burn would take away the pain is his chest. He was so deep on his self loathing, he barely heard the doorbell ring. He was tempted to not answer it, figuring it was his annoying ass brother, but he got out the shower anyways. He flung the door open, preparing to shout at Jake for being there but it turns out it wasn't Jake. Logan was looking into beautiful blue eyes, eyes that had been haunting him forever. Daniel had came to visit.

"Hey, come in! ", he told him, eager to have him in the apartment before he decided to leave again.

Daniel walked in, still not having said anything. He went directly to sit on the couch with his head down. Logan went and kneeled at floor beside him. He knew something was wrong with him and he couldn't bare the thought of his Daniel being in pain. Yes his Daniel.

"Daniel? What's wrong? What happened?"

Logan barely got his questions out before Daniel released a loud sob and jumped into his arms. Logan held him as he shook and cried, angry at whoever had dared to make his baby cry. Once Daniel had settle a bit, Logan used is finger to raise Daniel's face so he could have a good look at him. He used his thumb to wipe away the tears that were still on his face. He He looked at into his eyes and did something he'd wanted to do forever. Something he'd almost done before he got interrupted; he kissed him.

The kiss was just as Logan had expected it to be. Daniel's lips were warm and soft and tasted really sweet. He nipped and licked at Daniel's lips asking him silently to open up. He was about to give up until Daniel released a loud whimper and finally opened his mouth. Logan thoroughly explored the inside of Daniel's mouth, tasting every single space. He drew him closer after Daniel wrapped is arms around his neck, pushing himself insistently against him. He was loathe to stop the most amazing kiss of his life but he knew there was a conversation they needed to have. Logan gently pulled back and nearly attacked Daniel's lips again as he heard his nearly silent protest at him ending the kiss. He was proud of his self control.

"We need to talk baby. "

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