Chapter 8

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Logan was officially crowning himself the king of self control. He looked down at Daniel in his arms and wondered where the fuck all that control suddenly came from. His skin had felt like it was burning when he'd finally kissed Daniel and even now, a few minutes after the kiss, he could still feel Daniel's lips on his.  He could not believe he had that much strength to stop the mind-blowing experience. Daniel still hadn't said anything but Logan knew they really needed to talk.

"Daniel look at me", Logan told him. He waited until Daniel met his eyes before he continued.

"We are going to talk about what this is between us but I need you to tell me why you were crying. "

Logan could see the pain flash across Daniel's face and he became more determined than ever to know the answer.

"Come on tell me, please"

Just as its seemed like Daniel was going to stay silent, he looked at Logan and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Logan cupped his cheek and let his thumb stray to Daniel's lips. He could hear Daniel's gasp as he drew is finger across his lips.

" Tell me. "

" D- D- Derek"

"What about Derek what did he do? "

"He s- said that he knew J- Jack and I were queer and that it's disgusting"

Logan reared back in shock at Daniel's words. He could feel his heart rate increasing as the rage spread through his body.

"He said what? ", Logan asked tightly. He was afraid he was gonna yell and he didn't want Daniel to think he was angry with him.

" Am gonna kill him"

It was then that Logan realised he missed a big part of what Daniel said. Wait Jack?

He looked into Daniel's eyes and asked, "I thought Jack was straight, why would Derek think he was gay or even you for that matter! Why did he think both of you were queer"

"Well umm.......Jack he was..... we were.... and then he.... "

Logan watched Daniel struggle to explain for a minute then he sat up and pulled him onto his lap. Daniel sat with his legs straddling Logan's hips and Logan placed his hands on Daniel's  waist.

" Whatever it is that you're trying to say, just tell me. "

Daniel looked at him and then sighed.

" That day in your apartment when you almost kissed me, when I got home Jack told me..... he said he l-liked me"

Now Logan was no stranger to jealousy and knew that was what ripped through him at Daniel's words. He liked Jack, he thought he was a pretty cool kid, but at that moment he wanted to hurt him and have him understand who Daniel belonged to.

" So what happened today? "

" Umm... he came to my room and he came up behind me...... Like really close... and Derek walked in on us while he was doing it. And then he said what he said. "

Logan considered briefly going to the Why Don't We house and breaking both Jack's and Derek's hands. He couldn't believe Jack was into his boy. Did Daniel like Jack too? He needed Daniel to know that he belonged to him; Logan has claimed his ass.

" Well the next time Jack decides to put his hand on you again, you need to tell him this body belongs to me and I don't take kindly to others touching what's mine. Do you understand me? "

Logan cursed inwardly as he felt the shift in Daniel's demeanor at his words. He wasn't upset he was.... turned on! Daniel's breathing rate kicked up just a notch and.....fuck.... Logan could feel his dick against his stomach. He was rock hard. As Logan realised that Daniel liked being dominated, his lust skyrocketed and he couldn't stop himself from slamming his lips onto Daniel's own.

Unlike the first kiss they shared, this one wasn't gentle, Logan was claiming Daniel's mouth. Both their lips were probably going to bruise after but Logan couldn't stop himself. He wanted to stamp himself all over Daniel, inside him. At that thought Logan splayed his palms over Daniel's ass and attacked his lips more ferociously. The little whimpers Daniel was releasing just served to turn him in even more. Daniel wrapped his arms around Logan's neck and started rocking insistently against his stomach. Logan brought his hand around to Daniel's crotch and started rubbing him over his jeans, providing some much needed friction. Daniel moaned loudly and Logan pressed his hand harder against his dick. Logan's own cock felt like steel in his sweatpants and knew Daniel could feel it pushing against his ass. Logan suddenly couldn't stand the clothes between them and quickly removed Daniel's shirt and then his own. The feel of Daniel's naked chest against his own had Logan sounding his own moans. He moved his hands back to Daniel's ass and slipped his hand under the waistband of his jeans. Logan sought out Daniel's crease and felt him stiffen in his arms before he melted and basically started dry riding Logan's dick.Logan pushed his hand further down Daniel's jeans until he found what he was looking for. He tapped Daniel's hole and then Daniel's whole body tensed. Logan quickly removed his hand thinking he had gone too far but then he heard the moans falling from Daniel's lips increase and he saw the wetspot forming on the from of his jeans. He was coming!

Logan held Daniel through his orgasm until the aftershocks were gone. He leaned in to kiss Daniel and then noticed that Daniel wasn't blissed out and contented, he looked terrified. Oh shit!

Daniel quickly scrambled off Logan's lap and winced as he felt his cum dripping down his leg. He hung his head in shame, he couldn't believe he just came in his pants like he was 12! As he looked down he caught Logan's hard-on in his pants. Was Logan expecting him to do something about it?  Daniel felt as of he was on the verge of a panic attack, he had no idea what to do!

"He Daniel you ok? Did I hurt you? "

Daniel looked up to see Logan's worried face.

" N-No you didn't "

" Then what's wrong? "

" I've never been with a guy before I have no idea what to do "

Daniel jumped as he Logan suddenly started laughing really hard. How could he laugh at him! Daniel's heart felt like it was gonna crack as he grabbed up his shirt and shoes and headed for the exit door.

" Whoa Whoa where you going? "

" Fuck you Logan, how dare you laugh at me! "

" Daniel I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing because I've never been with a guy either. Incase you haven't noticed, am straight!

Daniel blushed as his embarrassment took over. He wished the ground would open up and take him.

"Am sorry, I thought...... "

" It's ok, come'ere "

Daniel dropped his shirt and shoes and walked into Logan's arms. He sighed as he pressed his face into Logan's chest. He remembered how the hard muscles had felt against his own chest a couple minutes ago and felt himself getting hard again. He felt Logan's hand under his chin and he raised his face as Logan's lips captured his. It was a tender kiss, one that was intended to soothe Daniel and he melted a little inside.

"So....what are we? ", Daniel softly asked Logan. He had to make sure they were in the same page.

" I want to see what this is between us but........ I don't want anybody to know and am sure you don't either! So for now we are exploring each other- in private "

Daniel looked at Logan and could only see sincerity in eyes but he still felt a bit off at the words. He knew what he was saying made sense, they needed to keep what they were doing on the down - low for both their sakes. Daniel shook off the feeling and allowed himself to enjoy finally being with Logan.
Everything was going to be fine.

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