Chapter 3

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"Hey Daniel you good, you were acting a bit off today."

Daniel flinched at Corbyn 's question, the last thing he needed was him trying to analyze him.

It was about 5 in the evening and Logan had just left, thankfully, and he and the boys were getting ready to go out and eat.

"No am good.... am great ", he shakily replied

" Are you sure? If I didn't know any better I'd think you didn't like Logan or didn't like being around him anyways. "

Was Corbyn for real! Did he not see how many times Daniel had to remind himself to not smile at Logan every 5 minutes!

" That's stupid, you know I love Logan!, he snapped.

Daniel cringed at his forceful answer but Corbyn just raised an eyebrow and gave him an "aiight!".

Daniel sighed with relief. He didn't know what answers he would give if Corbyn continued to push. Corbyn was by far the most perceptive member of the band - he noticed things. He came close to discovering Daniel was gay so many times. Like that one time in the shower with!

"Are we leaving or not!" , Daniel shouted through the house, eager to leave and relax for the rest of the evening.

They arrived at a nice little restaurant near their house having decided to go for Chinese. Daniel wanted Mexican but was out voted. He inwardly rolled his eyes as he realized he was frequently out voted when it came to certain decisions.

"You boys ready to order?"

Daniel looked up and caught the cutest pair of green eyes he'd seen in a while. Whoa the waiter is hot! And judging by he way he was eye fucking Daniel right there .....he was definitely gay.
Daniel barely heard the other guys' orders as he was ogling the waiter and trying not to at the same time.

"And you?"

Daniel's eyes snapped up to again meet his as his time to order came.

"Uhm......I...I'll have the sweet and sour chicken with fried rice thank you. ......oh and just water for me."

Daniel finished his order to find Corbyn looking at him weirdly. ...again! Seriously what was his problem! Daniel raised his eyebrow at him, silently asking the him the exact question. Corbyn just shook his head and looked away.

Dammit! He made Daniel miss the waiter's retreat. He really wanted a glimpse of his..........back.

"So when do you guys want the new single to be released just know it has to be soon. "

Daniel pulled back, surprised their manager was asking them! They usually just went along with whatever the management team decided .

Jack, who was sitting beside him replied," I think we should release the single and the music video at the same time so let's include Logan in the decision since he's directing the video. "

Daniel cursed inwardly at the way his stomach flopped whenever Logan's name was mentioned.

"Do you all think Jack's idea is the best way to go?", he questioned, not wanting to be in Logan's space so soon again.
He needed a break dammit!

"Nah it's a great idea! ", the other boys all agreed.

Daniel slumped into his chair - outvoted yet again.


" Ayo Georgie! "

Logan had just gotten back to Hollywood and he was in the mood to see his friend. He had gone to a couple meetings after leaving the Why Don't We house and he didn't have much vlog content. Ok he'll admit it, he needed George for vlog content!

" Logan! "

Logan laughed as George shouted and jumped into his arms. There was never a dull moment with George Janko.

" I need you to do something fun for my vlog I don't have much content. "

" Where you all day, how do you not have any content. "

Logan hesitated in answering but grudgingly responded," I was with the Why Don't We boys "

"Oho! So you were with Daniel today!"
Logan groaned at George's annoying teasing. He decided never to drink again after a stupid drunken night made him confess to George that he felt weird about Daniel. Thank God only he was there and not Mark and Johannes too.

"It wasn't like that bro! I just went there to hang. "

" But I was free today, so was Mark. How come you didn't want to hang with us! Wellllllll I guess we pale in comparison to a small, blue eyed- "

Logan lunged at George then with the intention of punching him in his big mouth.

" Get off! Am sorry Logan I was just joking! Get off!", George screamed.

"Don't ever say that shit again! and thanks for that am gonna title this vlog Punching George in the Throat

Logan glared at George as he proceeded to laugh his ass off.

"Ahahhaha, am sorry am sorry! But seriously how was it! Did you feel any different? Was the first time just a fluke? "

"No bro I still felt the same. I even winked at him! I fucking winked at him! I know am losing my mind. I see him and the first thing I wanna do is-"
Logan cut off to see George looking at him expectantly.

"Yes do what?!"

"Nothing am just gonna go, I'll see you tommorow. "

Logan hurried out of George's apartment leaving his shouts for him to come back behind. He can't believe he almost told George that! The fact that he imagines how Daniel's lips taste is his own damn business!

Oh God he was losing his fucking mind.

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